Thu 9 Mar, 2023 05:06 pm - Kate, right? Kate, why is the 3 year thing all over the world? It is like when did that happen? Three years ago. What is your name? Three years ago.
Tell me. (view)
Thu 9 Mar, 2023 05:02 pm - [size=200][b]NO WARNINGS[/b][/size]
I must say I am deeply furious that you were made in to being a human and I have deep concerns and [b]reservations[/b] if my penis will be up to the task of... (view)
Thu 9 Mar, 2023 04:55 pm - [quote="FactsPlease"]
Jesus answered that but people pay him no heed. What criteria do you listen to?
My answer to this is a mistake. (view)
Thu 9 Mar, 2023 04:46 pm - [quote="MsKnowledgebased"]
That is nice of you to say so that she can live your cynics in her life now.
But you were right just not right in the future ever. (view)
Thu 9 Mar, 2023 04:44 pm - [quote="Violetta88 "]
Hello, I need help. I apologize in advance for the mistakes.
Had the feeling that I was just an option for him and that he might be dating someone else.
[/quote]... (view)
Thu 9 Mar, 2023 04:33 pm - No it was not a joke. Are you being serious? We have an example:
Post 911 or Pre911.
Wombat Meridian is fine and great but what is it? Is pre-wombat and post-meridian? I think it is funny... (view)
Thu 9 Mar, 2023 04:23 pm - Wow yes. It is deep [b]and [/b]wide and it is serious. This should be a message of [b]d[/b]eep [b]c[/b]oncern for the few radicals that control
the all because they are pricks. Filing for... (view)
Mon 6 Mar, 2023 07:11 pm - [quote="jespah"]
Oh look, someone's discovered the quote button![/quote]
What will they discover today?
I have tried! Try, try.
Mon 6 Mar, 2023 07:09 pm - Question to prevent proposal of dating or making a pass or aligning the right person up from the past to be used instead of...
Thank you for taking the time to... (view)