Interesting posts by Walter
here and directly below.
Something that struck me. On the partisan questions of Bush job approval and which party is best trusted on the military, households with a member in the family or even Iraq have apparently gone a long way along with the rest of the population, away from Bush and towards the Democrats -- but nevertheless, they still clearly have a stronger lean towards the Republican 'brand' than other Americans do.
On the substantive question of Iraq policy, however - was the war worth it, and when should the troops return home? - on that count, there is no difference whatsoever between these military families and others. They are just as likely to think the war wasnt worth it, and that the troops should return pronto or at least within a year.
The logical conclusion, then, must be that there must be a large chunk of military families that have a brand loyalty to the Republicans, but are just as resentful of the war as other Americans. No wonder, then, that members of the military
are donating more money to Ron Paul than to any other Republican presidential candidate - by a mile.