Well, we're home. Picture to follow...
To make a long story short...
We got to the hospital at 8pm. We were sent to triage to be monitored for contractions and what not. Well, about 5 minutes into it, the nurse says she sees her heartrate is down. All of a sudden, I have 4 nurses on me; 1 sticking me with an iv, one slapping an oxygen mask on me....two others getting me undressed and moved around and this doctor busts in and they say "we're admitting her..." before they'd even done anything like time contractions. So....we are sort of freaked out but her heart rate comes back and the send us to L&D. Around 9pm we get into delivery and they break my water which was bad because they also inserted an internal montior due to her heartrate having dropped before. That hurt. About 15 minutes later, my contractions jumped to a pain scale 5 and I was like, ok this sucks....then they gave me Picosin. Wow. I was 4 cm dilated but the contractions were super hard and really really bad and the nurse said she'd come back to check me after they'd administered my epidural. Relief. She checked me an hour later and I was already at an 8!!! In one hour I dilated 4cms. She told me to call her once I felt the pressure to push. A half hour later I felt weird and wanted to be turned on my other side so she said, ok we'll check you then. She went to check and was like ok let's have a baby. It took me 2 hours to go from 4cm to ready to deliver. Insane. So we start pushing. Her heartrate kept going down after a contraction and so after 20 minute of pushing and still having a dropped heart rate (it would go to 60 and then back up ) the doctor called for them to start preparing a c-section room. I was horrified. But he said he'd try the forcepts. O U C H.
However, at 2:10a, 5 hours after starting, Adriana Grace was born at 7lbs 2 oz and 20 inches long.
Feeling ok. Except for being VERY sore and swollen. Those forceps are BRUTAL.