Fri 21 Mar, 2014 10:01 am - Sorry but the story about the boy....I feel horrible and I believe that particular dog should be put down. He bit a human.
However, did you read the part where he was on a chain? I suspect... (view)
Sun 16 Mar, 2014 04:08 pm - I made that statement with the knowledge that she said she was joking. I suppose if she'd done something like it before (actually done it, not just joked about it) the co workers... (view)
Fri 14 Mar, 2014 06:01 pm - Maybe someone complained. There are always the ones with the sticks in bad places who have to ruin the party.
I'd cool it if your supervisor is looking down on you now. (view)
Wed 12 Mar, 2014 07:15 am - I also wanted to mention that endocrinologists aren't always the best doctors to see honestly. Many of them specialize in diabetes and not thyroid disease. It's been a struggle for me to... (view)