fishin' wrote:
True again, there are all sorts of precedents. An exsisting precedent doesn't mean the idea isn't silly though!

The thing with the precedent is not that it exists or that it's silly, but that it wasn't the thin edge of the wedge. Arguments here seem to be saying something like, "Well one school is fine, but the problem is what this will
start." I'm saying that there have been similar precedents (silly or not) that haven't started any kind of sweeping change.
fishin' wrote:The entire thrust of groups supporting GLBT's has been "we are normal" and "we are a part of everyday society". Creating a school that has it's purpose in educating kids that have problems in "everyday society" beacuse of their sexual orientation seems to run counter to the larger message.
"The entire thrust", eh? I thought it was more like, "we are normal", "we have the right to be part of everyday society",
and "discrimination based on sexual orientation exists, is wrong, and we will do what we can to counteract it, including creation of safe spaces."
Also, I think there are positive aspects -- pride, community, history -- but I gotta go!