First, Gautam, you are THE most gracious debator I've ever met.
fishin' wrote:I agree with your "What's the harm?" idea based on the small numbers Soz. It is one school with a few students.
It is a precedent though. Do you think there wouldn't be a massive outcry if the City of NY established a high school for whites only? The ACLU would be filing a suit on the City before the announcement was completed.
First, this school isn't really for gay and lesbians only... the "questioning" thing establishes that. And they can't, legally, turn anyone down for sexual orientation and only sexual orientation. So a more close example would be a school that, what, celebrates Irish culture. It would be more likely to draw white students (of Irish descent) but if there were a few black students with an Irish ancestor, there's nothing they could do about it.
But, again, in terms of precedent etc., there ARE black charter schools, there have been for a while, and they don't seem to have caused any huge upheaval in how things work.
Here's one:
The language is careful to avoid saying that they are black-only -- again, that is illegal. But I found them in an article about the partnership with Morehouse, an historically black college, and how they wanted a school that had the same benefits/ ideals.