Presidents and others who were members of the KKK

Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2007 04:36 pm
Presidents who were members of the KKK:

President Warren G. Harding, President Woodrow Wilson, President McKinley, President Calvin Coolidge, and President Harry S. Truman.

Supreme Court Justice members: Hugo Black.

Other notable and downright important men were: President Warren G. Harding. He was actually sworn into the Ku Klux Klan in a Klan ceremony conducted inside the White House by Imperial Wizard Colonel Simmons.

President Woodrow Wilson and President McKinley were members of the KKK, little is known of their Klan membership however. There is at least one book that documents they were actual members, but it only mentions they were members, that's all. McKinley was a Union officer, but many Union men joined or affiliated with the original First Era Ku Klux Klan during the Radical Republican's anti-white Reconstruction Era. Union General Hardee was another Union man who later joined the Klan. President Wilson would have been a member of the Klan under the Command of Imperial Wizard Colonel Simmons.

President Calvin Coolidge was a noted Klansman and was well known to be an active member of the Ku Klux Klan. He allowed cross lightings on the Capitol steps and reviewed the giant Klan parades of 1925 and 1926 in Washington D.C.

President Harry S. Truman was a minor ordinary Klansman from 1920 - 1922. His two year membership was not notable and somewhat lacking. He eventually had a major falling out with the KKK over his desire to appoint RomanCatholics to key political positions; something which all of the KKK opposed at the time. Some Klans now not only accept Roman Catholics but actively recruit them. The true Ku Klux Klan is however traditionally and rightfully opposed to Roman Catholicism and Papists influence over America. President Harry S. Truman was currying favor with Roman Catholic voters and was more interested in his political career than the Klan or the good of America. He severed all ties with the KKK and openly repudiated them. They didn't call the arrogant upstart "give them Hell Harry", for nothing. His family has tired to deny his KKK membership ever since, but has failed miserably since it is a well established fact of documented history.

Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black was a Klansman, his Klan Robes complete with his name in them were found in an old Klan Klavern Hall in the 1960's. Unfortunately under intense political pressure he superficially repudiated the Klan during its notorious period of scandals.

Gutzon Borglum the artist who carved Mt. Rushmore, Stone Mountain, and also did work on the base of the Statue of Liberty was a prominent Life Member of The Ku Klux Klan. He sat on the Imperial Koncilium in 1923, which transferred leadership of The Ku Klux Klan from Imperial Wizard Colonel Simmons to Imperial Wizard Hiram Evans. Later while under intense pressure and scrutiny, both public and media pressure worked their wicked results and he superficially repudiated The KKK.

The list continues:
Merry Andrew
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 05:15 am
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 05:38 am
Theres a funny story about Truman. He tried to get his 10$ membership fee back when he was informed that the KKK would stand in the way of his currying favor with the Catholic PENDERGAST machine in KC. Apparently they wouldnt return his fee , which put him on the defensive and he started stumping on his re-election campaign about how Catholics were an important group to suck up-to. Now, nowhere did ole Harry say that he had anything against the overall racist policy of the KKK.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 11:04 am
Ol' Harry was one of the most savvy politicians of the 20th Century, whatever else he may have been. He could see which way the wind was blowing long before that wind started to flutter the unmentionables hanging on the clothesline. He early and clearly saw that the Catholics would be a voting bloc to be reckoned with in the future. Pendergast and Smith were early warning signs which would eventually lead to the triumph of Kennedy. And whatever HST's personal feelings about race, he also foresaw the coming civil rights movement and quitely integrated the Armed Forces vefore anyone could raise much of a fuss. In view of the contributions of the Tuskegee Airmen and a number of other all-black units during World War II, it now seems like a no-brainer. In his day, though, it was a pretty daring thing to do.
Reply Wed 18 Feb, 2009 10:50 pm
I don't know where you are getting your sources, but most of this is entirely fabricated, especially that bit about Coolidge. Calvin Coolidge was a kind, soft-spoken man that was never involved in ANY sort of racial conflict. Also, it is ridiculous to actually claim that there has ever been a cross burning on the Capitol steps.

Are you a white supremacist yourself?
Merry Andrew
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 05:58 am
Look at the source of that quote, GGroote. BBB is merely quoting from an online KKK site. She is no racist herself. Trust me.
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 06:03 am
Obviously reading hitory has never been high on your list of "to dos" there GGroote. This material has never been refuted and is available for your perusal at most good University Libraries. The "Invisible EMpire" is quite open about its membership during its second "rising". During this period the KKK had claimed a membership of over 6 million nationwide and was seen in many political venues.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2009 09:49 am
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2009 10:54 am
But several statements in that article are highly disputed. Coolidge's son-in-law had Klan support, not Coolidge. Truman's participation is highly suspect. The person who claimed that Truman joined was a political enemy. I don't have time to research all the points made in the article, but I see holes already.
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Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2010 08:14 am
Would you mind actually citing some of the sources you used to make these claims?
Green Witch
Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2010 08:22 am
I suggest you go to the source link BBB has supplied and ask them.
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Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 08:23 am
I don't know about the others but as regards to Wilson, he wrote in his own book, A History of the American People, "At last there had sprung into exsistence a great Klu Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the south, to protect the southern country".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2011 09:43 pm
I was currently attending this church in Chesterfield VA called Mount Gilead804-675-7600. I've been attending this church for several years pastime. However the last year; I attended this church I heard voices they are using electronical devices. Its like someone has encountered my spirit; they talk all day long about someone name Daniel Jr telling me about their church and to attend .Also not to love someone Else's husband.
However I don't know who this husband; or what they are talking about. The only person I can think of is Bishop Daniel Robinson's wife is using voodoo in my spirit to inform not to love her husband and not to attend church and to attend church.The women is dumb because I don't know her husband, the stupid witch put witchcraft on the wrong person because I only attend chuch to love the Lord Not Bishop Robinson, this situation was strange.
But this church is known to Con and Scam people out of there money.Many members homes were taked away from them because the church was surposed to help with there payments but "rummers was out" church stole money from members account.
Also a member was stealing millions of dollars from her Realtors and mortgage company too that attended that church.The members that stole the money was sentenced for 20 years.However the witches or electronical devices controlled those members to steal that money,because during this ordeal the church was going throough a financial hardship.Also was trying to build a youth ministry,livin by faith no sight they say.But logically they didn't have the money to afford any of this.This chuch used witchcraft outsources and play stealing to keep up their image.
During this time the voices accrued.The voices told me the church didn't have anything to do with this.I though this is strange but really didn't pay them much attention.
Then voices started accruing more telling me not to go to this church.
Also what type of clothes to wear.And as I entered the church a women voice told me, my outfit is ugly and don't look good.They would say anything to nick pick with me and to annoy me.
However its a year later I'm still hearing them its worst now more vigorious and harsh. This is just evil.I can't imagine someone would but voodoo on me from a church.
Also this women that's using a spiritual transmiter or electronical device to encounter my spirit is insane.I've been poisoned somehow with a microchip because she torments me 24-7. And its been 3 years and I still hear this from this women that says don't love someones husband .She is still in my spirit calling Daniel Robinson's name everyday.The Bitch is crazy she calls me names says she wants to kill me .This is crazy.I just need proof to have them arrested and sued. This is a well know church called Mt Gilead in chesterfield VA. near a Kroger Grocery store Off Hull st
I believe they use this voodoo to keep members in this church.Somehow they must trick the members to believe they need to pay there tithes and offering but its the voodoo doctors telling the member to pay all that money to the church.
To pay for the Bishops Benz and Big expensive house.

For example:

This is how it works imagine this, you are thinking of paying your tithe and offering . You attend to pay$100 for your tithe.During the sermon a thought accures and you think maybe pay $500.
But you didn't think of paying $500.
You only wanted to pay $100.
However the church uses witchcraft mind readers, and transmitters to encounter the members thoughts and they pay more then they intially would pay
Other member pay $200 to $600 a Sunday in the church have 3000 members. Its a scam and its dangerous because their in my thoughts constanley tormenting me saying ignorant statements,and I cant focus on anything but that church its a cult or electronical gangstalking.
They use voodoo in this church because I'm hearing them talk to me everyday about just stupid conversations in my mind this is ludicrest. They are using this same game to tell those members to pay, too much money on Wednesdays and Sundays for their tithes and offering.
Which is not for the community or needy church members, Only for the bishop witchcraft staff,electronical devices, his Benz, and Big house
The spirits or transmitters are so deep in me, I can spiritual write down everything they are telling me without thinking.
The woman spirits say they have a voodoo hit on me.
They are trying to take my mind,however its a low life human being doing this and I want JUSTICE!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2011 09:47 pm
@Merry Andrew,
I'm a victim of a Church that's using CIA SPY equipment. A typical day for me is hearing people talk all day long; using electronical equipment. The voices accured during a church service, this church is call Mount Gilead in Chesterfield county VA.
The people are using this technology to program their members to pay their tithes and offering. I'm a victim because I can actually hear them talk using these electronical devices. At times it sounds asif someone using me to talk to other people. I hear them and I can write all of their transactions.
This church is an African American Mega Church it has a track record of scamming members out of there money. Last year some church members were imprisoned for stealing 6 million dollars from some of the members at this church. The couple was Darreyl and Cy Underwood they partnered with a realitor company called Woodbridge. However this couple was accused of stealing and scamming church members out of there homes by refinancing their morage.But never did they pocket the money,they was programmed.Yet this church was involved, dueto most of the victims that lost their home was members that attended Mount Gilead church in Chesterfield VA the bishop and his organised electronal program"your programmed" is the mastermind behind all of this.
The Underwoods was sentenced to 15 years in prison.But it was the organised electronical church cult that programed them to steal the money, other words electronical gang stalking.
This electronical gang stalking/ harrassment is the "New get rich quick scam." Mount Gilead nonDem Church in Chesterfield VA are using some form of electronical harrassment to shock their members and program them to pay their tithes,also organise their family life and somehow program them to some electronical computer program. The device their using is so thin and light its hardly visable.The Bishop at this church is Daniel Robinson Jr. I tried to contact this bishop for the past 2 years but her doesn't respond to any of my messages personal. He does have his staff contact me and pray. This is beyond some bible study prayer the procedure that's used is electronically programing humans to follow his commands.
I'm tired of this I went to Numberous therapist and psycholist.Still no help, somehow this church is using military intellegence equipment to keep this horriable,mindgogging, torment. Everyday of my life they are in my thoughts.
Please help me its like my mind is "enslaved by people tormenting and shocking me all day."Please if you can help me or direct me to some [email protected]
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2011 10:02 pm
See a psychiatrist.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 11:54 am
Coolidge was an early supporter of equal rights for Blacks. He didn't appoint any known KKK members to office. He was never involved with cross burnings. In fact, during his administration, the KKK held the Klan bake in favor of the Democratic party because they disliked Coolidge so much and still had a lot of influence with the Democrats.
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Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2012 12:55 pm
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:

Look at the source of that quote, GGroote. BBB is merely quoting from an online KKK site. She is no racist herself. Trust me.

Of course she isn't. I can't testify to the accuracy of the KKK as a source of good information.
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 09:51 am

Merry Andrew wrote:
Look at the source of that quote, GGroote. BBB is merely quoting from an online KKK site. She is no racist herself. Trust me.
roger wrote:

Of course she isn't. I can't testify to the accuracy of the KKK as a source of good information.
R u gonna investigate that and get back to us??
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2012 10:19 am
washbe wrote:
somehow this church is using military intellegence equipment to keep this horriable,mindgogging, torment. Everyday of my life they are in my thoughts.
Please help me its like my mind is "enslaved by people tormenting and shocking me all day."

I know exactly what you mean. Greggs are doing exactly the same thing to me.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2012 07:38 pm
There is no evidence to suggest Coolidge was a member of the Klan. In fact, he openly spoke out against them.

Also, President Harding was one of the First US Presidents to advocate civil rights for African Americans. He supported an anti lynching Bill called the Dyer Bill which was passed in the House of Representatives, but was defeated in the Senate by a democratic filibuster.

Mckinley had a major support system from the African American community even though he lost favor with them due to a lackluster effort on his part to push civil rights further. He made a half hearted effort by appointing african americans to lower level government posts. I doubt he was a member of the clan.

Woodrow Wilson might have been, but there was never any concrete evidence to support it. He supported segregation, and held a private screening of the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation" in the White House. He might not have been an actual member, but he definitely wasn't an advocate of civil rights. He basically implemented segregation and it was up to his successor Harding to fix it. Which is why I am puzzled anyone links Harding to the KKK. Wilson and Harding hated each other.

I have heard the rumors about Truman, but it was more he looking for support to get elected. The Klan was politically powerful in those days. I am not saying this excuses joining, but it's more like he paid the fee, and then wouldn't do anything they wanted him to do. Or so the story goes.
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