Re: slight moral dilemma...
trixabell wrote:right, heres the and my, ahem, 'wonderful' friends (who now think im a whore) have been debating on how long u have to wait to sleep with a new girlfriend/boyfriend so as not to be dubbed 'slut' or sumthin equally boring and uncalled for...

...not that it'll actually have ne effect on my future actions, im just wondering exactly how high the standards society is setting so that i can have the happy knowledge that i am, in fact, sinking below them quite spectacularly -xxxx-
My 20-year-old son who is an expert on such things says THIRD DATE. I can't remember waiting that long - but then I can't remember 'dating' as such. It's a perennial question, isn't it. BTW I like Gautam's oneliner about the second date - the gay perspective I feel!