oh trixabell, im offended.. a 'wonderful' friend am i? do i detect a teenie tiny hint of sarcasm? *sob*
everyone thinks you're a whore, friends or otherwise! :-) happy happy happy!!!
im joking of course......
Does annifa know trixabell? If so, where has that slut been lately?

We miss her, and it's way past 10 minutes.
Yup i do indeed now the strangeness that is trixabell, she is at this very moment sitting behind me, laughing at things.... odd little creation.
im sure she'll renew her enthusiasm for A2K shortly.....
great trixabell back on A2K thats bad, she'll think she's got some kinda 'interesting' opinion on something and then go off on one and yarn on about it and not shut up about it blah blah blah all over again...great great great
wot wot?am present and correct...whyfore are we still discussing a fairies sullied reputation? didnt i tell u? i was forcibly turned celibate by my lack of boyfriend as of....uh wednesday afternoon
im bak...should ne1 want to keep me interested
Hopefully you three will present the rest of us with a 3-way grudge match....trixabell, annifa and the somewhat bitter vroonika.
Hahaha, how did I just get around to seeing this thread now? I'm firmly in the camp that you trixibelle sleeps with is trixabelle's business. Having said that, if your friends are truely worried about you because you're sleeping with too many people, consider their comments - they are your friends after all.
And, one more thing, where the hell has codeborg been?
I wanna know what happened with the orgy dangit!!
Where has codeborg been? Has he abandoned us for a remote Sherpa camp or what?
hmmmm.... yeah, I bet he's doing a stint as a sherpa.
As they say
What do u call a man who expects you to have sex on the second date ?
There was to be no orgy! not on internet anyhooo....
Its something strange to read the request and replies......
CodeBorg's answer is a little closer to the dilemma of the trixabell......
Is having sex with some one a pre-requisite for a relationship? This is where the problem starts? A relationship is worth the care, love and consideration it brings!
Sex is no price for the comfort and consideration of a relationship!
lol...sick little puppies you are...and vroonys just jealous of the wonderfullness that is me...tum ti tum...annie smells too
AAAAAAAAAAARRGH nooo!!! thou hast given away my name to the hordes!!! all anonimity hast departed... *sob*
ahem...what is this 'wonderfulness' of which you speak miss.trix'bell, methinks you're dillusions are merging with reality to a most scaring degree
HA! - caught you out Vrooooonika..
you said...
"methinks you're dillusions"
thas wrong missy i'll have you kno. methinks u need 2 rethink your grammar..
hahahahahahahohohohoho heee
okay okay, 'methinks YOUR delusions' then...
talk about picky ...you didn't pick up on the intentional bad spelling though did you?!
Never too soon.
This world needs more "free spirited" women like you. Keep up the good work, champ.