Very useful results (to me) so far!
Well, I must confess that I didn't interpret '28 Days Later' in that way, but more Great Britain as an island, and therefore justifying a happy end because they succeeded in 'isolating' the epidemic spreading of the disease letting the people turn in people possessed by hate amd acting zombie-like. Your approach is logical and political, ...well, have to think about it.
@CI: Psycho is a scary masterpiece. Hitchcock was a genius in putting thrill on other people, ....don't have to add anything...
@GAUTAM: Well, 'Nightmare on Elm Street' is a hard and quite 'stupid' movie (sorry to all Wes Craven fans). Considering the background under which you were watching the movie, I must confess, I can understand what you were feeling while whatching it. I avoid watching such kind of movies with my girlfriend who is very sensible and, another thing I have to confess, I'm only watching such movies when I think I want to be entertained well....a certain tendency to 'horror' scenes should be provided...really understand your attitude.
@PHOENIX..: Well, the Exorcist is great and scary, however, did you see the new version? They didn't change a lot except the sound and some weak video sequences which were added...don't know 'The Wicker Man' (have to look for the German title, sorry...
) but I share your interest in movies working on a psychological basis. 'The Silence of The Lambs' was, in my eyes, a solid psycho thriller trying to add some 'horrific' elements, but not really a 'horror' movie. Although there was suspense...just a matter of how things are felt and viewed...
Thanks to all for your comments so far. Please go on...!
Best regards,