mysteryman wrote:I said IF as a direct response to what okie posted.
You should have read that when you read what I wrote.
Um, yes I read that - and? How's that effect anything I said?
My point: speculating all kinds of things about how terrible a person Hillary would be shown to be IF something or other that you have little or no indication of being the case would turn out to be true = facile. Close to a smear, even.
Okie helpfully provided the link to one local volunteer who was caught out doing so and immediately fired. That's pretty thin gruel to go on.
I mean, yeah - IF it turns out that I kill little kittens for fun, it would surely show that I am this and that type of person and have such or so evil motivations, yeah. A meaningless assertion.
Nevertheless: there is one thing here I do want to pick up on, and I'm curious about your answer.
You wrote that if Hillary is spreading rumors that Obama is a Muslim, it would show that she is a bigot. Because for her to even
mention it would show that she is biased against Muslims. After all, if she wasnt, she wouldnt be mentioning his religion, no matter what that religion is.
Right? OK, so the conservative folks that are forwarding those emails about Obama being really or secretly Muslim - those are all bigots then too, right?