dadpad wrote:How to make girlfriend orgasm.
Women? orgasm?
Whatchoo talking 'bout willis!
LOL. The innocence of youth!
Anywho, all condecension aside young Caren, allow me to set the record straight:
God made us so that only
men have orgasms. This is God's way of rewarding us for being smarter.
Now, once your helpmate becomes interested in conception (post marriage of course

), you must both go to a pumpkin patch during a full moon. At precisely midnight, you must rub her belly while kissing her.
You also have to do something with the eye of a newt, but what that is escapes me at the moment.
Nine months later, a stork will deposit your child at your doorstep.
Unless the two of you decide on an abortion (

), which will require you to assassinate the stork midflight, before it can drop the child.