You know JPB, last night I was reading this thread, and was once again shocked at how, well, I think Set put it very well, savage Wilso is in his posts regarding anyone who is a believer.
I myself have asked him on several occassions why he exhibits such hatred, but, never get a response. So, I really can't say what's going through his mind when he states that all people who believe in any sort of God, god, whatever is, in his words, a moron, should go screw themselves, kill themselves, whatever.
The point I'm getting at is, last night I went and looked up Wilso's posts, all the way back to his first one's here (he came over from abuzz) and attempted to find out a little background.
Wilso, if you're reading this, I did no more than what anyone here can do if they choose. I've read other people's earlier posts to learn something about them.
Anyway, I only looked for posts that had anything to do with religion, or philosophy, etc. There's 700 plus pages, so I didn't get that far, as I'm an early to bed person.
So far though, what I've read has really shocked me, in that it doesn't seem I'm reading the words of the same person.
I read the words of a man who seemed to thouroughly enjoy the Christmas season (not saying at all that you have to be religious to celebrate it, Wilso just seemed so very jolly and happy about this time of year)
Someone had started a thread asking people in general about their beliefs, and Wilso stated very simply that he had gone to Sunday school as a child, but decided early on that believing in God was the same as believeing in the Easter Bunny or Santa.....fair enough. That was the question, asked and answered.
Then, what I found, well, amusing actually, was on an old thread where A2K was down or something, and someone was asking if things were working again, Wilso said "thank god" that is was.
Sure he obviously meant that as just an expression, an I would imagine there's many a non-believer that says the same thing all the time, or says "god damn" when he/she doesn't believe either...just an expression. However, I was surprised in light of how much meaness Wilso projects, that he would stoop so low (in his mind I mean) to say "thank god" when he doesn't believe there is one.
That's as far as I got, but honestly, I probably will read further, since it appears the only way to learn anything about the man. I can't speak as to when he turned from someone who appeared to respect differences, to someone who wished others dead because they held a belief he didn't.
I don't hold any real hope he'll respond, but I wish Wilso would put his emotions aside for one moment to express rationally, instead of with insults that are uncalled for.
I mean, ****, we're just talking.
Chai wrote:Someone had started a thread asking people in general about their beliefs, and Wilso stated very simply that he had gone to Sunday school as a child, but decided early on that believing in God was the same as believeing in the Easter Bunny or Santa.....fair enough. That was the question, asked and answered.
Interesting... I look back at early postings sometimes too for the same reasons.
So, it seems that the atheism pre-existed the current demeanor. That doesn't surprise me, and it's why I don't think they're necessarily connected.
Setanta wrote:...Note that there is no "Agnosticism and Atheism" forum. That alone tells you something about what kind of pervasive hold superstitions have on the human mind, that there is a religion forum, but not an "a-religion" forum.
Interesting. Do you think we could get one?
Equus wrote:If power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, then what does that say about God?
Assuming you could prove that absolute power (always) corrupts........
you would still need to show that God , if He has given Man a free will, has retained 'absolute power' in the same sense.
Go ahead.
I doubt it--but even if we did, it would likely be filled with little other than the superstitiously terminal showing up to tell the atheists why their lives are pointless. Actually, i only made the point, George, to point out that religion enjoys a particular respect in society which other belief sets do not. There is not a numerology forum, or an astrology forum nor a horoscope forum. Although one may be religious (and i recall that you are practicing believer in an organized religion) and be sincere, from an outside perspective, there is no qualitative distinction between the superstition of religious belief and the superstition of horoscopes. In that context, i use the term superstition to refer to a belief which is based on the will to believe as opposed being based on verifiable evidence--so take offense to the use of the term if you wish, but it is not offered to you with intent to offend.
akaMechsmith wrote:real life wrote:akaMechsmith wrote:All you have to do is show ONE thing that COULD not have happened except by Divine intervention and I will become a Deist. Guaranteed
Same old saw. 'Show me a miracle and then I'll believe.'
Are you asking for 'natural' proof of the 'supernatural'?
Isn't that rather like asking to 'see' an odor, or 'taste' a sound?
Nope, I'll settle for anything that could be called evidence.
Well, you can see for yourself that matter exists all around you.
But the 1st Law of Thermodynamics states that matter cannot be created.
So where did it come from?
Arella Mae wrote:My point is, if being an atheist is being like Wilso, forget it, I'll stick with God. But on the other hand, if being a Christian is like Fred Phelps, I'll still stick with God, just not the one that Fred Phelps professes.
I think that the fact that Fred Phelps draws his inspiration from the same religious text book that you do says something about the usefulness of that text book as a guide for civilized society.
neologist wrote:Equus wrote:In case of the Rapture-
Can I have your car?
I'll still be driving; but do you need a ride anywhere?
Thanks, but apparently I'm going there in a handbasket anyway.
mesquite wrote:Arella Mae wrote:My point is, if being an atheist is being like Wilso, forget it, I'll stick with God. But on the other hand, if being a Christian is like Fred Phelps, I'll still stick with God, just not the one that Fred Phelps professes.
I think that the fact that Fred Phelps draws his inspiration from the same religious text book that you do says something about the usefulness of that text book as a guide for civilized society.
Do you understand that use is not the same as misuse?
If one uses a carpenter's hammer to commit murder, should we question the usefulness of the hammer as a tool in civilized society?
C'mon mesquite, can't you do any better than that?
Hmmm, I guess I am not explaining myself very well and I am sorry for that. Let me attempt to get my point across again.
I do understand that Fred Phelps gets his beliefs from the same book as I do, Real Life. However, I do believe he twists it to further his own agenda, whatever that may be.
I mentioned him and Wilso in the same context trying to get across that the way people see us, hear us, view us, etc., might be seen as connected to our beliefs, especially in a discussion about spirituality and religion.
Is Wilso's demeanor caused by his atheism? I have no idea. But when speaking with him about religion it "appears" (to me at least) that it stems from his atheism. Fred Phelps? Is his demeanor caused by being a Christian? I have no idea, but it "appears" it is caused by his brand of Christianity.
Chai, I think that was really something you going back and trying to find out why Wilso does as he does. I have found, in my experiences, that people with that much obvious anger with God or religion have been hurt terribly somewhere along the line by someone claiming to be "religious." I don't know that is what happened to Wilso and I pray it isn't, but if something did happen, it does make it a bit easier to understand.
real life wrote:Do you understand that use is not the same as misuse?
If one uses a carpenter's hammer to commit murder, should we question the usefulness of the hammer as a tool in civilized society?
C'mon mesquite, can't you do any better than that?
Poor analogy real life. The Bible is not a single tool with a clearly designed purpose that gets misused. It is more akin to a chest full of implements. Some are builders tools such as your carpenters hammer, but the chest also contains other implements such as battle axes, maces, flogs, and scourging devices. There is no need to use the hammer as a weapon when the chest contains all sorts of weapons.
It is the visitor to the chest that decides which implement to pull out.
Ma says...
I have found, in my experiences, that people with that much obvious anger with God or religion have been hurt terribly somewhere along the line by someone claiming to be "religious." unquote
Anton says... "as that right"... I've found that religious persons with so much anger and hate are so full of religious codswallop that's been taught some time in the past.( I got that information from the same place as you )
Ma says...
I don't know that is what happened to Wilso and I pray it isn't, but if something did happen, it does make it a bit easier to understand .. unquote.
Anton days... don't bother praying for Wilso, I think that would only offend him.
Since when do religious people find it easier to understand, when they get all their information out of the bile book.. the last place to look for understanding of any kind.
How have you been Arella? I hope your well,.
Hey Bartikus! I've been doing pretty good. How are you?
So, I gather this thread has diverged greatly from a place where atheists or agnostics - of whatever disposition - could post quips from time to time.
So it goes.
Athiest one liners
Never trust a christian.........There forgiven.
Well, maybe they need forgiveness.
Amigo wrote:Athiest one liners
Never trust a christian.........There forgiven.
Never trust someone who thinks they are answerable to no one.