Sofia wrote:jjorge-- You are correct when you say we don't have ANY REAL information to form an opinion with--
It is just an issue in the news, and I think
most participants here are just discussing it from all angles. I have been more than a little surprised at a very few, really condemning comments--
The wider reality of 'groupies' and pro athlete violence and sex abuse charges are interesting issues, to me. As well as proving rape, or proving consent.
I think the reason I made such an issue of this because my observation over the years is that there seems to be a tendency of hunches, fantasies, unsupported opinions (or whatever you want to call them) to have a life of their own and evolve, even without the accrual of additional data, to greater and greater levels of 'certitude'.
One somewhat related example of this is from my work experience.I work for a mental health agency and see many people in crisis. If a patient states that they have been clean and sober for two years.I accept and record it that way: " patient STATES THAT..etc... " If a relative or friend reports that patient is compliant with there medication, I record it that way: "relative REPORTS that...etc..."
That may seem like a small point but too often I have seen those reports recorded as FACT not as REPORT and then seen them proven to be untrue.
When an erroneous report or opinion or even a hunch congeals in a medical record into "FACT" it can do serious harm., and once any spurious 'fact' has been engraved on our life's resume', it can be nearly impossible to erase it.