Richard Saunders wrote:rabel22 wrote:Please explain to me how a national id card will give the government any more information than they already have on me or you. They know your social security number, your credit card account numbers, and how many cards we possess. They know your bank account numbers and how much money you have in them. They know if you own any stock and which stocks you do own. One little plastic card is the end of the world as we know it according to you wolf criers.
The national ID card will have RFID in it... It is basically a homing device that anybody can track you to see where you are anytime they want.
The national ID card is also an intermediary step for them to digitize your money. If money becomes digitized then it can be easily turned 'off' if you do something the govt doesnt approve of they could theoretically turn off your money preventing you from being able to buy food or pay your bills.. It would command you to 'obey'.... Fine you say because you dont break any laws... but what the govt deems legal and what you deem as legal can change very quickly...
Example: Its 1932.. 2 men are walking down the street.. one with a gold coin in his pocket the other with a bottle of whiskey.. Which one is the crimijnal?
A year goes by now its 1933.. Same 2 people... NOW who is the criminal?
Firstly, there is no guarantee that it will have an RFID in it. It could just as easily have a smart chip in it, which requires physical contact.
Secondly, rfids in general require very close proximity to the reader to actually work. The reader has to induce an electrical current into the rfid to make it respond, which requires a short distance. Other than that, rfids can be disabled quite easily - a chewing gum wrapper for example. There are actually wallets with faraday cages in them to prevent the reading of any data on RFID cards. It's trivial.
Thirdly, money is already digital. It is backed up as a physical object, but how much or how little you have is still stored in a computer. The government can already put a stop on all of your accounts!
Everything you have mentioned as a possible infringment is already in place and in progress. Like I said before, I think you're just complaining for the sake of complaining.