I have been humbled by the Mountie's quiet dignity, and Lola's ability to polish off a bottle and still type.
An impressive duo.
Opening the floor to Bush, Blair and other stuff.
That was way too funny for this time of night!
Geez--It wasn't that funny. I guess I should get a bottle of Spanish white wine.
I prefer the Spanish red wine.
A little Spanish fly for me barkeep!!!!
Just needed to stay with the Spanish theme, and I don't drink
blatham wrote:It's ok, it was a rhetorical answer.
This may be the funniest thing I've read all day. (Though it's early.)
Scrat wrote:blatham wrote:It's ok, it was a rhetorical answer.
This may be the funniest thing I've read all day. (Though it's early.)
<grumble...kiss up to the mountie...grumble>
Sofia wrote:Scrat wrote:blatham wrote:It's ok, it was a rhetorical answer.
This may be the funniest thing I've read all day. (Though it's early.)
<grumble...kiss up to the mountie...grumble>
I think I can acknowledge when I think he's written something funny without it being "kissing up". (That he and I do in private, of course.)
<sullen grumbling...>
I thought it was funny, too.
Well, the mountie is funny......and it's nice to say so when he's especially funny.
I haven't gotten to the news much today, but I did hear a little piece of an NPR report about an unusually long white house briefing in which someone was trying to explain, once again, how GW wasn't really lying in his state of the union speech..........yeah, tell me another. Really when will these politicians ever learn?
It's obvious that the people of the world aren't buying this, "it wasn't a lie" lie either. So what does one have to do when caught in a lie? Fess up, that's what. And the sooner the better. How long will it take this white house to finally face up to the facts? I'm guessing a long time, and well past the time necessary for it to do them any good.
Howdy Prime Minister Migpoot This Is My Hobby Horse Binkers
== Howdy Prime Minister Migpoot This Is My Hobby Horse Binkers ==
San Francisco Gate - 7/18/03
The Shrubster will seek to move the Mideast peace process forward yeah right whatever with back-to-back White House meetings later this month with Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, during which time he will get their names mixed up and mispronounce "Mahmoud" as "Mymoot" and will quiver visibly in the
presence of bitter bilious hawk Sharon and flub his introductions andhis squinty little eyes will twitch and he'll get that little smirkypursed-lip monkey thing going and both leaders will look at him, as allworld leaders do, in mild and sighing disbelief and wonder at the madpotency and sheer frightening power of the violently corrupt andmonstrous exec-funded GOP machinery that somehow managed to rig it so this blank-faced dork could steal the most powerful office in the world and embarrass the world's most prosperous first-world nation on a dailybasis.
That sounds about right to me, Bumble. Ah, once a proud nation...
Well, apparently it's now being acknowledged all round that we need the U.N. Except for the WH hawks, who've just sent Wolfowitz on a factfinding five-day mission.
But members of the U.N. certainly won't want to come in out of altruism. They've been bit once too often. What I've read about other countries is that they are willing to lend material and personnel support for the rebuilding of Iraq providing it is under U.N. auspices - not U.S. control. The U.S. is against this - one really simple argument I've heard is "well, it's our war," to which the answer is, "it certainly is." They also want a shot at bidding on some of the lucrative contracts (and getting some). which puts them into direct confrontation with Halliburton, Kellogg-Brown, and the rest of the American companies.
There are no free lunches. If we need help, we must pay for it. And so far, we're getting back what we've given. All those snubs, insults, etc. IT's too bad. We're such a great and wonderful country, being led down a mountain so fast by a group of greedy, self-centered individuals, who haven't shown a care yet for the plight of anyone else.
mamaj, What makes so many Americans so blind? c.i.
It's the smog, Cicerone. In the case of Texas -- today -- it's the Sahara sand (YES) which is blowing across our landscape. Cough cough. These things follow in the wake of hurricanes...
Americans want to believe...........and most of us are working hard to make a living and we don't have time to keep up with the details in the news. Many families simply need their news in quick doses so it's easy for them to be fooled by clever psychopaths, like those we have in the White House today. That's my explanation, or at least in part.
Naw, Lola. People have news coming at them all day long. From what I've noticed, they acknowledge that it's faulty and hype-y and semi-fictional but they quite openly opt into the fiction. The opt-in process is very interesting (I think!) and probably should take more of our time.