mamajuana wrote:The press may be getting a little freer. A test will be to see what they do with the continuing Iraqi story...
Doesn't it seem that we are now in confused times? What to believe, where, whom? Meanwhie, the defeat I pray for has little to do with a foreign country, unless it is a strong factor in bringing that defeat.
Two astute observations, ma.
The House voted today, 400-21 to reverse the FCC's ruling on consolidating media ownership, rejecting the appeals of Republican leadership and defying the threat of a presidential veto.
This is HUUUGE. House Republicans were overwhelmed by the grassroots on this one. They chose to cross DeLay and Bush instead of their constituents. You don't see that kind of populism very often any more.
And (though this wasn't exactly your expressed concern) I likewise find myself nearly overwhelmed by the daily--nearly hourly--developments with this Administration, Iraq, and the various political ramifications of their full-court press on American liberties, values, and sensibilities.
It's almost as if they KNOW that they've only got another year and a half to jam through all of their horseshit and they are working 24/7 to do so.
It's just about all I can do to keep up with the stories, much less respond or plan a counter-attack.
Which is why the focus on meaningless crap like whether Kobe Bryant is guilty of rape annoys me even more than it would normally.