ul, your kids are right next door to California!
Hi California.......
Morning all, except ul, Afternoon ul.....
Temps are in the 100's at my brothers home in NV....
g'day all
for some reason, I thought I'd try and start my day without caffeine
after I pulled my left ear out of my keyboard at around 10:30, I went and had a nice cuppa tea. feel much better now.
You and your 300 friends have supported 2,756,251.4 square feet!
I'll try to get the clicks done while I'm in New York, but I suspect I won't be checking in here with updates.
1 Aktbird57 .. 1833 63.265 acres
ehBeth, don't forget your camera. I'll do the documentation tomorrow night here in Boston; you're responsible for the NYC leg of Walter's visit. Zum gutes Flucht!
no probs, Merriest of Andrews.
I've bought an extra memory stick for the new camera - the charger's ready. The Empress has a new camera, and I think brendalee is ready with hers as well. Between us we should be able to keep pace with Walter.
these lucky kids have been to California and will return home from there.
Their planned trip:
Los Angeles, Death Valley, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde,
Bryce Canyon, Salt Lake City, Yellowstone NP, Portland, Yosemite NP,
San Francisco, Los Angeles
my daughter said: Hot!! But we are now at Lake Mead- too cool off :wink:
We have only 27 C, but it is very humid. Kind of East coast weather :wink:
Looking forward to reports and pictures of the meetings in Boston and New York. Have fun!!
What an interesting and fun sounding visit you are all having. Today the Las Vegas temps are way down from the past two days.
Last I heard the water level at Mead was down....
More pictures the better.
ul, what a great trip!
A nice change in weather here in the Sierras yesterday and today, cool temps and rain. Garden singing though - Oleander grove of trees blooming white, pink, and red flowers - colors bright and cheery even with the rain.
SF weathers a bit cool, not unusual for summer, but the other places the kids will visit they'll find warm and even hot weather. Hope they have the chance to visit Venice Beach when they're in Los Angeles. A super place for dogs to run in the sand, and there's also a zillion vendors huts, street artists, and musicians. Lots of fun.
Have a great trip, wildclickers!
You and your 300 friends have supported 2,756,930.4 square feet!
1 Aktbird57 .. 1834 63.282 acres
All clicked - Morn'n all
It's Corries B'Day today.
Happy Birthday again, Corrie!
Summer work

term reports, preparing lots of strawberry jam, baking cakes for Father's Day.
Aktbird57 63.295 acres
That sounds delicious, ul....
All clicked in TX
Hi, folks. Had a great evening Wednesday with Walter & Co. Unfortunately, I won't be able to share any pics for a couple of days yet. Digital camera wasn't charged up, so I bought a Kodak disposable at a CVS on the way to the shindig. Took some snaps. But now I have to get them developed.
In the meantime, littleK has posted a few of her pictures on the "Pssst Boston. Ready for another get-together?" thread. There's a fine picture of Walter and me. I, of course, was unable to take any pictures of myself.

I'll tro to get the link if you'd like.
Hadn't used the 'search' feature at a2k till today. Checked out the psst, Boston thread and thought the photos were terrific! Merry, you Walter plus the rest of group seemed to have had a great visit! Smiling faces and all....
Found the picture. Good looking people.
A merry meeting. I like your smile.
Aktbird57 63.307 acres
Aktbird57 .. 63.317 acres
Father's Day here- and a beautiful day it is. 80F
Hammock, Strawberry Pavlova, Siesta:D
Hoping for more travel news from New York.
Good afternoon, ul - that sounds relaxing.
And thanks so much for the updates on the acreage saved.
g'day wildclickers
Hot weather for the the Sierras'! Still Spring though, and probably a few more showers yet - then summer!
Driving home from work two days ago, spectacular cloud formations took shape over the mountains - a day after the rains. I've lived here five years now, and can honestly say that i've not seen such an array of perfection. Nature is brilliant!