Quote:How could anyone not understand the glory of bbq?
I understand the glory if you start by catching a wild buffalo. Or a snake such as the one Shane Warne was shown cooking on a BBQ grill recently. Getting all the kit and ingredients from shops might be a fine illustration of what the word "travesty" means for those who need some colour added to "absurd misrepresentation".
But I suppose Heinz soups are not served by canmasters and thus offer little opportunity to be masterful.
As Philippa Pullar was at pains to point out in her great book Consuming Passions: one simply does not talk about food in polite company because one cannot help thinking, when one does, of the mastication, the swallowing, the oesophagus and the peristaltic reflex by which the aforementioned food in conveyed through the alimentary system on its way to the anus and from thence onward to whatever fate your local authority determines for it. One would have to avert one's gaze from a group of quasi-posh people discussing world affairs bearing that in mind.
It is considered in rather bad taste. So much so that very refined persons hide themselves from public view when eating much as others do when shitting.
It is a theory of mine that if it was possible to **** in an infinite variety of fashions so that status could be ascertained from the various skills displayed people like effemm would be shitmasters at grand gatherings of the great and the good. And turd pipes would be on the front of residences painted in bright colours with built in inspection windows at head height.