Tue 3 Apr, 2007 11:26 pm
Somebody from television, movies or maybe even a singer. I know these people are usually different from what they appear on the screen or in media, but still I always wanted to go out on the date with the likes of Bruce Willis, etc. There are a few guys I would love to go out with from the soaps that I watch on CBS.
So would you go out on a date with celebrity? If yes, who?
Get a life, girl. All these folks are only more people.
Sure, going out with celebrities is fine, but I would strongly recommend you do so wth a nobody.
No, I'm married - I wouldn't go on a date with anyone (but my hubby).
Depends on who it is.
On a much smaller scale, Bear had certain notariety during our early years of marriage. It was a pain in the behind to try to go out to dinner, or many other places. For that reason, on a much smaller scale as I mentioned, I understand what a pain it must be for celebs and I understand they are just people, like the rest of us.
I would go out with a celeb if it was someone intelligent that intrigued me, more for the conversation than any romance. Dinner with Anthony Hopkins (and a little Chianti) would fit the bill.
I'd also entertain a night out with Chevy Chase, just for the laughs.
Curious jenlovtv...why Bruce Willis?
I have nothing to say about the man one way or the other, but why is it you picked him?
Do you feel you would have a lot in common to talk about?
Are you concerned with the same things he is?
Is it the way he looks? In that case, would you just look at him all during the date, and not get anything else accomplished? In that case, what would you have to show for it at the end of the date?
Do you feel as though you would be famous by proxy?
What would happen if you realized he was boring/not very pleasant/not very intelligent/smelled funny/self centered/ate with his mouth open?
Not saying he is or does any of that, I'm seriously interested why someone would pick out someone they've never met as you have. Or, have you met him already? Maybe you have, and think you'd like to spend time with him.
What would you do on this date? Or rather, what do envision doing on this date.
I'm not making fun, I'd really like to know.
Quote:In that case, what would you have to show for it at the end of the date?
Maybe some pictures so you can tell your real friends you went on a date with so-and-so
I actually know a young lady who spent a "romantic weekend" with a film actor. He gave her his cell phone number and then left to do a film "on location" somewhere. The young lady tried calling him but his cell phone number was no longer active.
Bruce Willis, etc.? Do suggest that there is more than one of him? Perhaps you mean he represents a type. Go out with a person, not a type.
You're all a bunch of old farts. Jenlovetv is at that great age when you can fantasize about movie stars and rock idols without guilt. Common on Osso, admit you'd do Kirk Douglas given the chance 40 years ago. I bet Setanta had a little mischief in his eyes when he looked at Grace Kelly. Chai is my age, so we'd be cat fighting over Robert Redford a couple decades back. Stuh505 probably owned that poster of Farrah Faucet Majors -Ok he's probably not that old, but I'm sure he lusted in his heart for some movie babe.
Back in the day, I'd have killed (or thought I would have) to go out with Kris Kristofferson. <sigh> Brooding. Smart. <sigh> Looked like my first lurve <sigh>
Now? not so much dating, but there are celebrities that might be interesting to have a lunch with. My short list is pretty much all people I've found amusing on Leno or Letterman. Definitely Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Will Farrell, Steve Carrell, Jane Lynch, Eugene Levy.
Green Witch wrote:Stuh505 probably owned that poster of Farrah Faucet Majors -Ok he's probably not that old, but I'm sure he lusted in his heart for some movie babe.
Farrah Fawcett...haha, you're right I am not that old! Never seen any of her movies but she is too blond anyway.
But hey I'm not denying that I would go out with an actress...I would definitely go out with a famous actress, even if I was married (I assume that would be OK with my wife).
Probably Sophie Marceau or Penelope Cruz. I'd definitely go on a date with Jon Stewart. Steven Colbert...maybe, but I wouldn't pay...
Green Witch wrote:You're all a bunch of old farts. Jenlovetv is at that great age when you can fantasize about movie stars and rock idols without guilt. Common on Osso, admit you'd do Kirk Douglas given the chance 40 years ago. I bet Setanta had a little mischief in his eyes when he looked at Grace Kelly. Chai is my age, so we'd be cat fighting over Robert Redford a couple decades back. Stuh505 probably owned that poster of Farrah Faucet Majors -Ok he's probably not that old, but I'm sure he lusted in his heart for some movie babe.
What Green Witch said.
I'd so have been thrilled to go out on a night of partying, or drinking, or whatever, with Sugarcubes-era Bjork, back then. And anything more, uhmm oh yeah. Of course! Hey, it'd still have been a story to tell.
Karaoke with Bjork.
Now that would be a diary entry.
Set a place for me at that lunch table, ehBeth. I'm going to play footsie with Jon Stewart and who knows where that might lead...
If he's anything like last night he'll be biting your ankles in no time, I know he looks friendly on TV but he acts more like a rabid chipmunk on steroids once you get a couple shots in him...
I was going to say no.
But then I remembered, just this morning I was watching the Today Show, still a little dreamy-eyed, eating my cereal, crushing on ANNE CURRY.
I was thinking she would like me to do something corny, like take her to some kind of resort. It would have to be in the North though, somehwere cold, where I could unwrap her from one of those classic button down sweaters I've seen her in.
Like, I could MARRY her.
I bet she makes great soup.
Then I thought to myself, "Time to make a turkey sandwich and pack a lunch, winner."
To my horror, the world of data entry continued.
Kirk Douglas, no way. I did have a crush on a football player though.
Perhaps I am an old fart, but I'm from the city of celebrity-hood, had them running around our grocery stores and drugstores and bookstores and restaurants and gas stations, the hospital I worked at, the landscape design clients we had, and colleagues had --- all the time over many years. Sooooo over it. Sorry you didn't like my response..
I don't resent celebrities as such; some are pretty cool in person, but plenty aren't.