Spring is in the air and I just KNOW (because I live in the country) that a new generation of kittens will soon be born and they'll find their way into my back yard.
Last year, I assumed that the adorable kittens playing in my yard belonged to the neighbor and that he would take care of them. That false assumption has caused me tremendous heartache and a summer of scraping dead cats off the highway.
It wasn't until fall, after I became extremely attached to one of those kittens (LOVERBOY) and my honey found him dead on the highway, that we took action to save the remaining two kittens that could be found.
This summer, I'm not assuming anything. I have my kitty cage ready. I have a plan of action. If I find any kittens wandering the neighborhood or playing in my yard, I'm confiscating them and finding them homes.
Last evening was beautiful. I went into my back yard and was checking to see if the April showers had spurred anything in our flower beds to sprout, and I felt an urge to call out to the strays. "Here kitty, kitty." The beautiful kitten that we rescued last fall (LoverBoy's sister) jumped into the window and meowed at me through the screen.
She's so beautiful. She's so sweet. She's mommy's girl. I'm so glad that's she's part of our family now. I still think about LoverBoy, and I miss him terribly. I failed him and he died. I don't intend to make that horrendous mistake ever again.