Ya know, k, I think some of them make it up! They just don't like our critters & an allergy is a useful foil to keep their distance! :wink:
littlek, I agree with Olga. And to answer your question about all people allergic to cats being men, the answer is no. I'm allergic to cats.
Oh no, Roberta!
You're allergic to Mikey!
Good grief!
REAL men are undeterred by a little sneezing.
Hello fellow cat people.
It is official... Max is a nut job. I took him to a different vet who said it isn't allergies as much as an obsessive compulsive disorder. He wrote a prescription for OCD and we have to feed him a pill every morning to keep it under control. Plus he is to heavy and we have to put him on a diet... he isn't very happy about that. But on the good side... his hair is growing back!
A CAT WITH OCD. Why am I not surprised.
Magus wrote:REAL men are undeterred by a little sneezing.
Sneezing is one thing, but when they attack your nads during the act, well, then it's chinese food for dinner.
Olga, Yup, I'm allergic to Mikey (and Miranda and Patty) and dogs and birds and and and. My doctor strongly advised against my having a cat. I told her it was my mental health vs. my physical health. The former won, more or less.
jpin, Not surprised. Max may calm down. Sorry you're having problems with him. Mikey was on a diet briefly. Not a happy camper. The vet suggested putting noncaloric filler in his food. In theory, it fills them up and keeps them trim. You might want to investigate.
Gosh, that's tough. My sympathy. What a choice!
I hope you tell Mr Mikey what a sacrifice you're you're making every time he decides to play the feline terrorist! :wink:
I'd tell him, Olga, if I thought it would do any good. Does he care? Nope. Should he? Probably not. He has other stuff on his mind. Food. Sleep. Food. Playing. Food. Food. Did I mention food?
Roberta, I see Mikey has no problem setting priorities! :-)
Food? Yeah, Roberta, I think you may have mentioned it briefly!
you know you questioned a family relationship with Paddy? well he too likes his food ... and our food ... and Rosie's food ....
urs, Yup, Mikey will never have a problem trying to decide what is most important to him.
Vivien, Food is food. And there's no mine, his. It's all his--according to him.
Olga, After trying to put Mikey on a diet, I swore that I would let him eat until he explodes. So far, no detonation. Just expansion.
BTW, for Christmas, a friend gave me a personal voucher for six weeks' worth of food for Mikey. My response--"Do you know how much he eats!!??" A great and generous gift. And probably a lot more than my friend bargained for.
Roberta wrote:....Olga, After trying to put Mikey on a diet, I swore that I would let him eat until he explodes. So far, no detonation. Just expansion.
BTW, for Christmas, a friend gave me a personal voucher for six weeks' worth of food for Mikey. My response--"Do you know how much he eats!!??" A great and generous gift. And probably a lot more than my friend bargained for.
Does the extra weight suit him, Roberta? Is he larger than life & impressive?
So, now he weighs ....?
height? waist size?

we were told off by the vet because a previous cat (Casey) was rather plump - but how can you resist those eyes? and your case teeth and claws!
I had to post this - the unimaginable a few days ago even
I'm sure he sneaked up while she was sleeping - but she knows he's there and
hasn't moved for over an hour!
This is real progress
msolga wrote:Roberta wrote:....Olga, After trying to put Mikey on a diet, I swore that I would let him eat until he explodes. So far, no detonation. Just expansion.
BTW, for Christmas, a friend gave me a personal voucher for six weeks' worth of food for Mikey. My response--"Do you know how much he eats!!??" A great and generous gift. And probably a lot more than my friend bargained for.
Does the extra weight suit him, Roberta? Is he larger than life & impressive?
So, now he weighs ....?
The extra weight took a while to make a difference. Now there's that ooky hanging sag when he walks. He looks rotund when he sits. I can only guess at his actual weight--somewhere on the dark side of 25 pounds? Remember, he was gigantic when he was svelte. Now he's gargantuan. The average lynx is about 25 pounds. Mikey is probably as long, but his legs are shorter.
Vivien, I stared at that photo for a while. Yes, two cats together. Major progress.
Mikey really is huge! any recent photos?
Goodness, Roberta! That adds a whole new dimension to a Mikey attack in the night! And it must cost you an absolute fortune to feed him! Gosh.