I can't give up Sally
I can't give up Sally.
My honey and I rescued homeless Sally and her sister, Suzy, on October 6th after their brother [Loverboy; sob

] was killed on the highway.
We went from 2 cats to 4 cats. I gave Suzy to a good home (four cats were too many), but we kept Sally because she was not litter box trained. I couldn't give someone else that problem. Additionally, she has a hernia in belly and the vet will fix that when she's spayed. We're going to have that done in January.
I finally learned that Sally doesn't like the litter, but she likes paper. I shred newspapers for her litter box -- but she still is not completely trained. It's going to take more work.
My honey and I love Sally. We can't give her away. We don't think anyone else (besides us) would put up with her "not quite" litter box trained problem.
We will continue to keep the girls separated -- it's the only thing we can do. I was just hoping that we could be ONE BIG HAPPY family!