Re: Our new cat, Sally
Eva wrote:Each cat should have its own food bowl, Debra. Are you allowing Sally to eat out of Tabby's bowl (that has always been HER food, you know.)
Tabby is just plain MEAN. She's "top dog" in the pecking order. We have set up separate dishes, but Tabby claims them all. LOL My honey put an extra dish of food in our bedroom just for Sally. We're doing everything we can to make sure all of our girls have what they need.
A different room should help. Are you paying plenty of attention to Tabby when the kitten is around?
It DOES take them awhile to adjust to not being an only child. <sigh>
Debra, I hate to say this, but if things haven't quieted down after six weeks, this might be the way things are. I hope I'm wrong.
Thanks, Olga, for the happy birthday wishes. They are popping up in all kinds of places. I enjoy them all.
I've just gotta share this! Ugh!
Flatty has (apparently) caught a tiny mouse & when I last looked he was tossing it around on the back lawn. He was having a GREAT time ... catching it when it fell, throwing it up again .... Sometimes he's such an animal!
.. so no smooches for the pussycat tonight! Yuck!
himself has decided that Rosie is lonely as an only cat - he wants a kitten
I acted all innocent and 'oh it might be an idea ....'
decision time - she's such a funny mixture of sabre toothed tiger and great big yellow striped coward - how would she react? does she know she's a cat? jealousy? sabre teeth in defenceless kitten? joyful recognition of someone to play with ? scared stiff of it?!! she can play non-stop 24 hours I reckon.
Hooray! Two cats are almost always better than one! (Sorry, Debra.)
Cats get anxious about changes in their environment, so expect Rosie to be a little upset at first. Just be sure to pay lots of attention to her when the kitten is around so she will know the kitten hasn't taken her place in your affections.
Good advice Eva. When this was a two-cat household, the cat who was here first remained first in all things. Greetings, feeding, affection. The second cat didn't know any better, and the first cat wasn't offended. Well, not much.
People get the idea that a cat needs another cat. Rarely if ever is the cat consulted. I wish you luck, Vivien.
But himself was so opposed to a cat!?
yes he was opposed to a cat but only because he was so heartbroken at the death of our last one - a fluffy, simple minded, beautiful but very very loving little long haired bimbo.
Rosie does seem to need another cat to play with as she is so playful and we have other stuff to do and can't entertain her for hours on end, It might also give her more confidence when going out into the garden - she rarely stays out for more than seconds at a time unless we are with her, which is ok in the summer but not much fun in November.
We had the problem of introducing a kitten (the bimbo) into a househould with an only cat of 5 years - I agree - I did exactly what has been suggested and he was number one in all things, greetings etc, the kitten adapted to that quite happily.
I haven't finally decided how I feel, as has been said - the cat isn't consulted! would she be happy? I wish Paddy had survived - though that is no guarantee of them getting on when they are older - my friend had 2 kittens who were inseperable when they were tiny but the male kitten (neutrered) bullied the female terribly when they grew up,
decisions decisions ...... not too many kittens about at this time of year anyway so it may have to wait until Spring?
Vivien, If you make up your mind before spring, I suspect that there will be lots of kittens around at Christmas time.
Mikey report: I splurged and bought a bunch of irises. Only $5, but not a necessity. In the past, Mikey has expressed keen interest in flowers. I would put the vase on the floor and hang onto it while he sniffed and mouthed some of the flowers and leaves. This time, I left the vase (a heavy cut crystal affair I inherited from my mother) on the shelf and took down just one of the flowers. The big lug was afraid of it. ROFLMAO. I've been teasing him mercilessly. A disgrace to the entire feline species. A sissy. A wuss. An embarrassment to me (his adopted mother).
I'll try again later with the whole vase. What a wimp. Still laughing.
Cruel & merciless, Roberta!
Memo: Irises work when all else fails!
Go ahead and laugh, Roberta. Five bucks says he's gonna have the whole vaseful shredded by morning.
Olga, I've made note. Keep an iris around to stave off the aggressive monster cat. LOL.
Eva, He can't get at the vase. If he could, you'd be right. Not only would the flowers be history, but so would the vase.
My old cat, Putt (now my dad's cat), is terrified of watermelons. I found this out completely by accident one summer when we bought a large watermelon for a 4th of July party we were having. I set the watermelon on our living floor and happened to notice Putt arch his back and go wild eyed at the thing. I turned mean and picked him up and tried to put him on top of the melon and he completely freaked out on me. Now every time my mom brings one home she mischievously rolls it toward him to watch him scatter and run

the idea of Mikey frightened of a flower is hilarious! would an artificial one work as well? might be a good defence weapon to keep?!
nothing doing on the kitten decision yet
Aldistar, A watermelon! LOL. Dese cats is nuts.
Vivien, So far, Mikey is afraid of two thing. An iris and a placemat. I refer to the placemat as the deadly and dreaded placemat. I set the table, and Mikey runs. If I put the flower on top of the placemat, I might never see him again.
I said it before and I'll say it again. Dese cats is nuts.
One of my darling departed moggies was terrified by men in hats! Poor little thing!

an irresistable picture! Mikey cowering in a cupboard because of the demon placemat - as bad as my sabre toothed coward who is petrified when the wind blows on her in the garden and has to come flying in to hide