The CAT room!

Reply Mon 29 Nov, 2004 04:56 am
Vivien, Afraid of a breeze? Dese cats is nuts. But I repeat myself.
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Reply Mon 29 Nov, 2004 02:43 pm
Vivien wrote:
Very Happy an irresistable picture! Mikey cowering in a cupboard because of the demon placemat - as bad as my sabre toothed coward who is petrified when the wind blows on her in the garden and has to come flying in to hide Rolling Eyes

Laughing Now you have TWO weapons, Roberta! Best of all, I like the idea of you stalking Mikey while waving an Iris menacingly, with an evil look on your face. "come here, darling. There's absolutely nothing to be frightened of!" Twisted Evil


A fear of wind? Poor Rosie! That's gonna cramp her style a wee bit! Maybe you should consult one of those radio vets? Laughing
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 03:11 am
Rosie is weird - with her being feral my one fear was that when she grew up she'd be out and about most of the time and not want to be indoors - the opposite is the case, she's ok in the garden as long as the door is open and someone is out with her but she's not keen on being out alone and even with someone there she flies in at any strange noise - not a brave girl!

Indoors she's fine and bosses us umercifully - pick her up when she's not in the mood and you get a growly moany whine - which gathers crescendo if you don't immediately put her down (and the addition of a nip from her teeth just to make sure you understand - and obey) - pick her up when she's feeling loving and you get a gorgeous limp cuddly bundle.

the picture of the demo Roberta with iris is wonderful msolga! wish my artistic talents lay in the fantasy realm!

I think the steroid tablets may be doing the trick as the lump on her lip looks less to me - she's got another 5 days on half dose to go. She's been very good about having a tablet dropped down her throat bless her - no teeth or claws and quickly over without trauma to either party.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 05:01 am

Olga the cat shrink here Cool : She bosses you around indoors because she feels totally safe there with you & himself. But, of course, you already knew that! Smile

Another cat might be a wee bit stressful, at first, but (according to my vet, the guru ) providing that the new addition is of the opposite sex & providing you & Himself give Rosie lots of attention during the transition phase, things should work out OK.

God willing! :wink:
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 07:35 am
good advice msolga - I am still unsure, but himself seems to have made his mind up that we will have a kitten

that's how we handled it when we had Timmy (for 5 years) and the girls came home with a tiny long haired scrap of fluff with diarrhoea that someone had thrown out (obviously not prepared to cope with the combination of diarrhoea and long fur - NOT a pleasant combination! but she soon recovered and was bathed)

Himself said 'we're not keeping it' I agreed of course not

<thinking oh yes we are>

- he was watching snooker on TV - she sat watching fascinated and tried to get the balls out of the pockets - himself captivated and never another word about not keeping 'it'

Timmy hissed at her a first and was told not to - he was very grumpy and clearly thought she stank at first! she'd try to cuddle up to him but he'd only tolerate it when he was deeply asleep and after a bit his nose would start to twitch, he'd wake up, move away disgustedly and have a thorough wash!

They soon started playing together and I always let him be number one cat.

Once at night she was wailing outside the window to be let in (Timmy came and went through a small high window as he wished but she never learnt the little dimbo) as a cat was bullying her and before I could get downstairs, Timmy had leapt out of the bedroom window upstairs and was standing next to her hissing and growling - the surprise of it made the bully fly for his life! I thought he'd be hurt as it was a huge high leap but he came swaggering in full of himself! He was normally a timid cat.

I did want a male kitten so that opposite sex advice is great.

Timmy was 'my' cat and if he walked into the room and Casey was snuggled up with me, he'd stop and look at her - one glower and she'd sidle down off my knee trying to pretend that she'd just been there for a second or two - not having a cuddle really - he never bothered if it was anyone else cuddling her.

Rosie is so very very playful that I think she needs another cat to run up and down the stairs with and chase around the house - too much for me! I put up with ambushes and teeth but running up and down stairs again and again is not my idea of fun Evil or Very Mad - well nor are the fangs either

Her lip has definitely gone down so the steroids seem to be working, let's hope the effect is permanent.
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Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 01:47 am

Vivien, your household is obviously besotted by cats! I approve & can relate! Laughing

Timmy sounded like one of those "special" cats we've all had in our lives. Once again, I can relate. I've had quite a few over the years. You must really miss him, the same way I miss my darling Rats. Now THERE was a critter that really engaged me with his funny ways, until he became so terribly sick, poor little soul.

I'm glad you've decided on a kitten to be Rosie's companion. As much as I find rescuing & adopting older cats irresistible, in this case a kitten is the best idea, I'm sure. But have you thought about the consequences? Rosie will be the "top cat". The new comer will learn from her (after getting a few wallops in the process) about how to behave in 'her" territory. You are going to have 2 crazy, active cats! ... Running up & down the stairs, etc, etc ... ARE YOU READY OF THIS? Shocked Laughing

But of course you are! Twice the fun! Very Happy

Yes, do it soon! Himself is too blame, after-all, not you! Twisted Evil
BTW, I loved the description of himself bonding with Rosie. Lovely.
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Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 01:32 pm
Now I'm impatient for you to get the kitten, Vivien. Want to hear all about it. Glad the steroids are effective.
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 10:39 am
(Lovely to hear all this kitty talk!)
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 01:15 pm
A kitty would be soooo cute! It's hard to believe how small Nisse and Mysan were when we got them. Especially looking at Nisse now... *sigh* They grow up so fast!
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 04:32 pm
I phoned up about a little grey and white kitten in the paper - too late.

The RSPCA have just one little black kitten in - and Roberta - he has an extra toe on one foot! I haven't seen him and may not be in time but he's a possibility

Life is all up and down at the moment and a kitten would be lovely - even with the problems of Rosie adjusting. Then, when she accepts him, she'll be able to tear up and down stairs and through the bannisters to her hearts content - and maybe have the courage to go out a little more. I don't want her to roam, just enjoy the garden.

A stupid lorry driver went through a red light and scraped all the side of my car and sent my wing mirror into orbit - I hardly think he'll admit to going through a red light and there were no witnesses - so long drawn out legal stuff ahead Crying or Very sad Evil or Very Mad My car is in for repair and I've got a brand new little Vauxhall Corsa courtesy car - with incredibly fierce brakes! Term is coming to an end and I have the anxiety of how many classes will run next term and how much income will i have <worry worry worry!> Temporary contracts and insecurity
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 08:20 pm

Aarrrgggghhhh!! Not you too with the temporary contracts....!
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 02:48 am
'fraid so ... but it was my decision to leave a safe but excruciatingly boring admin job for this life of worry! I do like teaching and have some lovely students of all sorts of abilities from total beginners to very good, needing a challenge (all adults). I love the interaction and getting to grips with various styles and thinking and seeing people progress. Downside is that finances are tight until I get really established.

A couple of students have done beautiful drawings in pastel of their cats - pastel is so suitable for describing cat fur

I may try to visit the little black kitten today - they won't let them go without seeing every member of a household - easy enough as there is just himself and me and he could go at the weekend. As it is a rescue centre he's been neutered (yesterday bless him) and identity chipped and so I wouldn't have to cope with the guilt and trauma of taking him to the vet for that! (if he is still available that is...)
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 04:06 am
EXACTLY what you need to brighten your mood, Vivien. A beautiful little black kitten! <sigh> Are you in for a great time! Laughing
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 07:44 am
I went to see him this morning - love at first sight!

He's gorgeous! I held him and he cuddled straight into me, purring, <I'm hooked> they left me with him and I carried him around, looking at the other cats - there were so many lovely cats there needed homes it was heartbreaking, especially when they miaowed for attention Sad

He was really loving and then had a little chew of my fingers and played - I should have lied and said that I lived alone 'cos then I could have taken him there and then - but they like to see all members of the household, to ensure that he's really wanted .... HE IS HE IS!

He's all black and still kitten fluffy so I don't know what his fur will end up like. He's about 12 weeks old and was neutered yesterday and identity chipped.

Oh dear, what will Rosie make of him???? ...what will my parents make of him? another one to look after when we go on holiday!

I'm dying to go and fetch him Very Happy
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 09:41 am
Vivien, I'm in love with your kitten. I've always wanted a black cat. And the extra toe! Too much. I'm hoping very hard that he'll be yours.

Sorry to hear about the work and the car. It's always something.
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 11:15 am
I put my name down for him so he's ours ok - himself is going with me tomorrow to fetch him Very Happy - this smiley isn't big enough!

I forgot to check his back paws but each of his front paws had the extra toe! and I'd never heard of it until Mikey and your lovely tales of him!

more photos will be arriving! I'll have to seek out a site to host them as the gallery is down
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 03:47 pm
Another feline with polydactyly. I'm thrilled. Maybe the kitten and Mikey are distant relatives. Doubtful, but who knows. BTW, Mikey has one extra toe on each from foot and two extra on each back foot--for a total for six extra toes!

I'm excited for you, Vivien. Looking forward to stories and photos.
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 10:55 pm
Lucky, lucky little black kitten! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

But I must admit I got a bit mist & gulpy when I read:

" - there were so many lovely cats there needed homes it was heartbreaking, especially when they miaowed for attention ... "

I once went (with my ex) simply to buy a cat carry cage at the animal shelter. All those dogs & cats ... all wanting a home! .... I left in tears.
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 11:16 pm
Without checking back, Vivian, I seem to recall that himself could be called lukewarm to the idea of cats in the family, and "lukewarm" involved a definate positive spin. Is my old memory failing?
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Reply Sat 4 Dec, 2004 11:54 am
only half failing! he didn't want another cat because he was so very very very heartbroken at the death of the last one - he just had a real rapport with her and didn't want to 'replace' her - if she'd been human she'dve been a Marilyn Monroe, flirty and pretty and breathless, non too bright and waiting for things to be done for her! Timmy the other cat we had at the same time was a one-person cat and he was mine and very clever - he was independent and opened doors for himself and wouldn't beg for anything! She flirted outrageously to get what she wanted and was immensely charming - if a little short on brain.

We went to collect Paddy

- yes we decided he had to be Paddy with all those extra toes - his back feet are equally blessed - he must be a Mikey relative - you don't think they are evolving into a higher species with opposing thumbs do you Roberta? they'll take over the word!

David fell in love with him too so all is well there

he is full of confidence - Rosie is full of resentment and I think frightended of him! She's hissed and growled and lashed out at me if my hand smells of him - she watches him, growling softly. He ambles around playing totally oblivious!

This afternoon after she'd met him, growled, used a lot of bad language and hissed, I cuddled her and she settled down, tucked into me, growling non stop and finally went to sleep - after she'd had a nice long cuddle I saw Paddy climbing up onto the chair and eyeing up her tail which was flicking angrily as she'd detected his presence - I quickly put my hand over it to avert disaster - he then settled down on my legs and she lay resentfully glaring at him for another half hour - he rolled about playing on my legs and then settled for a sleep. Finally she lost her temper and stalked off under the bed upstairs.

We put a tall box across the living room door to confine him to the one room but he's now jumped over it and is exploring - she doesn't seem to be threatening him - just angrily watching from the stairs as he chases an onion skin around the kitchen floor

He's 16 weeks not 12 as they first said. He's so confident compared with Rosie - he's happily eaten, used his litter tray, played, slept on my knee, purred deliriously and been totally unfazed by the rantings of Rosie.

Let's hope stubborn little Rosie can't keep this up too long - she's the one who didn't eat or drink for 48 hours when left with my parents when we went on holiday .....

He's exactly what she needs - playful and as he's confident it may help her to be braver about going outside. When he's allowed out we'll get that cat flap fitted.

I've taken some pics but they aren't brilliant - being all black he's hard to photograph well.


... so this is my new baby - he's steering clear of Rosie when she growls and she isn't threatening him with physical violence (just verbal) - he's still confidently exploring Very Happy
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