I love cats - always have.
We adopted Tommy (aka The Great Big Magnificent Cat) about four years ago. He is always dreaming up new ways to torment my wife's dog.
Sage (aka The Wet Nose Dog) usually lays down under a desk (just a old door with legs on either end) in our computer room when anyone is on the internet or playing games. Last weekend Tommy started laying on top of the desk, directly above Sage. He'll then lean over and try to swat her with his paws.
I keep on wondering when Sage will figure out that she has twice the weight over Tommy, and decides not to put up with it any more.
Dogs are kinda funny that way. I don't think Sage is gonna catch on.
And by the time he HAS cottoned on, the cat will have invented a brand new game to bamboozle him!

Damn smart, these cats!
OK, G, please refrain from further catty-insults! Just face the facts: they're FAR smarter than almost any other critter you can name!
You know what I find funny ? When men expected to be treated as royalty - women crib and crib and crib and moan and groan and shout.
When cats do it......
Makes you wonder where us poor men stand in the food change of our fair sexed friends (?)
No offense, G, but cats ARE superior!
Methinks Gautham doth protest too much. For a cat user's manual, please find the link in the new topic just posted. Forgot to get its URL.
"Makes you wonder where us poor men stand in the food 'change' of our fair sexed friends"
little better than "spare change" (a mere snack), I assure you!
Hate to inform Gautam that I have two cats. A grey and white and an American Silvertip. Well, if you hasn't had the experience of the feline, slinky personalities in one's household then it cannot be explained.
You've always been my favourite, LW. :wink:
Except I'm trying to get outta here and after a couple of Merlot's, I'm too relaxed to move. Can something make it over here to help me grab a new pciture for the house? I know my cats will love it -- something new to frighten the **** out of them. The new HDTV was enough to make Irma crawl up a wall -- "What in the Hell is that?" One time I was playing the top ten roller coaster video and held Irma up to watch it. It took a couple of weeks for the wounds to heal.
Poor Irma! Just throw a few empty boxes down on the floor. Empty boxes keep our cats entertained for hours!
She got over it -- likes paper shopping bags better than boxes. Tried to get her into a carrier for the vet and again got the old "I'm not going into that thing, I don't care what you do!" The vet suggested giving her a tranquilizer. Her nickname is "Stinky," because as a kitten she used to lay on my lap watching TV, sleeping and periodically farting.
BTW -- they were my wounds (and I should have known better!)
I still have healing wounds on my legs that I received back in April ~ as soon as bigdice and urs saw my leg, they said 'Lacey'. Yep. She hasn't done it in a while, but her tendency then was to lay on my lap ~ she would turn to such mush that she'd slide off ~ out come the claws trying to hold on......
Paper bags. Hmmmmm. I'll have to remember that next time I go to the store. We haven't tried those yet.
I still have guilt over Paddy's first visit to the vet. He was still young enough that he loved and trusted me to no end. We had the cat carrier out in the hallway for one day, open. He had no problem with it ~ jumped in it and played endlessly.
The next day, the 'visit', I tossed some of Paddy's toys into the carrier and he followed them happily. Zipped the carrier up lickitysplit and off we went. He cried the whole way there.
He still loves me, but doesn't trust me anymore. Sniff, sniff.
Getting a cat to enjoy a trip in the carrier may be impossible, but getting them into is is not. Position the carrier with the open end up, and pick the cat up by the scruff of the neck. They'll glare at you, but otherwise just hang there. They don't like being treated this way, but it works - just be ready for some action when you release the Vulcan Nerve Pinch.
Rae - give Lacey a treat every time she comes home from the vet - a can of tuna or something special that she loves.
Ours always cried all the way to the vets but coming home they didn't - and the minute we got home they'd run to the kitchen with a 'right come on where's the treat?' look, waiting by their saucers!
Lightwizard wrote:Hate to inform Gautam that I have two cats. A grey and white and an American Silvertip. Well, if you hasn't had the experience of the feline, slinky personalities in one's household then it cannot be explained.
Ah, LW ... a cat buff, too!
Is there no end to your very good taste?