Being a cat "buff" can be very dangerous;
I would suggest long sleeves, and long pants at all times!
Seriously though, my cats, while they have all there claws, never really use them.
Fred the older one (about 14+) is the owner of my "lap", and weighs at least 150 lbs. when napping. If he get the right level of head and neck scratching he goes completely off the deep end, and eventually, while in his coma, his tail begins to flap back and forth; LOOK OUT!
He comes out of the coma looking for bear! (and I'm the nearest thing)
Ah, Fred in fantasy land!
Love it!
So does Fred, but I'm not so sure................
Always have had cats -- usually Siamese (the American silver is part Siamese). Tried a dog once, a Schnauzer, but too much care!
Irma did decided the silk chenille covered footstools in the living room were scratching posts but we kept spraying perfume on them until she lost interest. Both cats like the corrugated cardboard scratching boards. Although they are both house cats, I wouldn't think of declawing them in case they got out and had to defend themselves. Irma is a kneader and wrecked a couple of terry cloth robes.
That's in line with my philosophy of cat care;
I give the cats what they "knead"!
(what the hell am I supposed to do with the rags?)
My Siamese cats were chronic groomers. If you sat still on a chair or sofa, they'd soon be on the back of the chair grooming your coif.
spraying perfume on furniture to stops cats scratching works does it? Casey never scratched the furniture but we couldn't have wallpaper because she shredded that!
Yea, we had a textured wallpaper up and the cats decided it was for them. It's been removed and replaced by a smooth, vinyl coated which they don't approach. I understand that vanilla extract also works to keep the feline detoured from furniture they want to claim for their own.
I hope that your small friend will not suffer too much from the chilblains, Boss. I hope that your small friend will soon be well and happy.
Setanta wrote:I hope that your small friend will not suffer too much from the chilblains, Boss. I hope that your small friend will soon be well and happy.
Oh, so do I, Setanta!
Not having a very good time of it with my darlings this year. Part of the problem is that they live so long & develop "old critter illnesses". I'm sad & worried because I had to have my darling old grey cat put down earlier in the year. I still miss him. & now this!

Hugs to you, msolga. Hope the little ol' lady pulls through. I'd rather be sick myself than see my kitties sick.
Re: perfume as cat deterrent... works pretty well on fabric. If you have wood or vinyl floors, or there's an outdoor area you want them to stay away from, try cayenne pepper. I sprinkled it liberally on my front flower bed (read: neighborhood litter box) and they haven't come near it since. Probably got a little of it on their paws and licked it off, I imagine. Very unpleasant for them, but not actually harmful. After that, I'd bet they recognized the scent.
Have you cooked plain chicken, fish or lean beef for her? Is she drinking water? Have you asked your Vet about asperin for her aches?
Thank you for the hugs & kind thoughts.
But unfortunately my hunch was right: something very seriously wrong. Poor Mozz's kidneys had completely collapsed. So you know the rest. <sigh>
The vet was wonderful, but I miss her dreadfully already. I already knew from her condition this morning & was already prepared for the worst ... but it's such a shock & sense of enormous loss, never-the less.
What more can I say? I'm just feeling very sad right now.
Finding out sooner wouldn't have helped, you know. No cure and no treatment except diet, and diet doesn't help when the won't eat. So sorry you had to go through this again - and so soon.
Awww olga ! My thoughts are with you !!