Lovely! what an intelligent cat to dry the sink first
Rosie went through a stage of being fascinated by water trickling down the plughole and could be kept out of trouble by leaving her to watch the water, with the tap on slow, occasionally dabbing her paw to catch it.
She seemed to understand the effect of dabbing her paw in the stream of water from the tap - she'd do thar, without looking, whilst watching the plughole, seeing the changing speed and flow of water.
Rosie had a cuddly moment as i was getting ready to go out this morning, so i made 10 minutes for her (she likes to flake out and stay for hours) and then snuggled her up on the chair - ungrateful minx - you aren't supposed to stop cuddling her until
she says - so she nipped me to show me she was
not happy with the service.