it's nice that they have company and don't fret urs. Ours like some visitors and not others. Rosie is a real scaredy cat outside and wouldn't let anyone near her but in the house she's quite brave and curious about them - they are expected to entertain her and play.
I took some photos this morning of them playing - a box from a trimmer I'd bought was fascinating Rosie (she has an absolute fetish about bags and boxes) - it's only shallow but at one point she managed to get
inside it! Paddy then had to join in and I did a sort of Boomerang composite of the pics. I missed the one of squashed Rosie with only tail sticking out of the box

as I couldn't get the camera in time.
If anyone remembers how Rosie felt about him at this time last year you'd never believe she was the same cat! She's genuinely fond of him now and is happy to see him when he comes in from his travels, usually wanting to play when he's ready to eat and sleep

They thunder up and down stairs like a herd of wildebeest and there's only an occasional wail of protest from one or the other 'cos the game got a bit rough - they back off immediately though and there doesn't seem to be any bullying on either side, which is lovely.