Vivien, I must have missed your post about the collars.
Why do you have the kitties wearing collars and bells?
Yes, I know it's their nature but Paddy has killed 2 pigeons, 3 sparrows. 2 blackbirds and a bird with pretty yellow bars on it's wings in the last approximately 3 weeks - that rate of slaughter just can't go on - the rare catch and I wouldn't have put a collar and bell on because I really don't like to. Then Rosie started - and this poor bird suffered such a lingering death as she kept finding it and playing with it more - really upsetting and we couldn't find it, It was that lingering death and not being able to stop it that upset me so much.
Paddy was single handedly decimating the local bird population and Rosie had decided to join in. It couldn't continue, it was really distressing and then there was the 'where is the body' or oh joy oh bliss .... suddenly coming across one in the middle of the living room.
it was either collars and bells or being kept in - and they'd hate that, not to mention almost impossible as they'd race out the minute the door opened, they'd be that desperate for some fresh air.
I can just see Neko chan waiting in line for a facial
Paddy sometimes gets sticky eyes when he's had a long sleep and being a real tough little boy doesn't always wash his face and squeals just like a little boy when we wash it for him.
Timmy used to wait to be dried if he'd been out in the rain and would purr like mad as you dried him off. Paddy seems to appreciate it as well - Rosie simply doesn't go out in rain!
Flatty sits in the rain looking rather detached, actually .....
Then decides it'd be a good idea to sit on someone warm & dry & gain the benefits.
Paddy doesn't like the rain either ... he'll stick his nose outside then decide it's not worth it.
Paddy posing ............ taken a few minutes ago.
Paddy, aren't you done yet with that computer?
Guess I'll just wait and nap, wait and nap ...........
He's looking good! Happy & healthy.
msolga, yep, about 25 lbs of happy and healthy:)
Ooooooooooooooh, Misti!
25 pounds did you say?
Well, he looks, HAPPY, anyway!
He doesn't look overweight though ~ evil little thing that he is.
Lacey is still a svelt seven and a half pounds ~ cute as ever. I'm sure there will be pictures of her here soon as Mom is going to catsit for me while I move into my new home.
Paddy is going to be thrilled!
Hi everyone, I have a question:
I have two long-haired domestic black cats, George and Joe. They are brothers from the same litter, and they are 3 years old. They - neither of them - have ever really purred. The most I've gotten is a sort of a raspy in and out breathing they do for a few moments - at times when they are feeling especially content.
I actually suspect they're capable of purring, and I'll tell you why - George doesn't meow, either - he does a little thing that sounds like he's trying to meow but he's too hoarse. But on a couple of occasions when he was especially excited, he has let out a good, old fashioned (and loud) MEOW. So, why don't they purr? They are otherwise healthy and seem happy. Any ideas?
Well, since there are no takers, I'll try to post this as a thread...
Rosie doesn't purr either Snood. I raised her from a 2 week old orphan and I've always put it down to never learning to 'speak cat' with no mum to teach her.
Lately (she's just 2 now) I've noticed the faintest faintest quietest purr if I put my ear to her side when she's really happy and loving. The raspy breathing yes, the same as your cats.
She rarely miaows either but does have a very varied and lively vocabulary of swearing and growling - in another cat it would be used when they were really angry and threatening but she uses it to tell you to put her down now, stop stroking her now, let her curl up and go to sleep and stop talking (when she's snuggled up on me) etc etc
I tell her it's the redhead in her that she has this short fuse! (she's a beautifully marked tabby and has lovely apricot streaks on her pale tummy)
Well, I have one cat that purrs at the slightest touch. It's really rare in the other two. I don't think it has a thing to do with happiness or contentment.
Roger, that's interesting, since the only time mine purr is when they're content, at least it seems that way.
Here's what I learned:
Why and how do cats purr?
Purring is part of every cat's repertoire of social communication, apparently created by the movement of air in spasms through contractions of the diaphragm. Interestingly, purring is sometimes heard in cats who are severely ill or anxious, perhaps as a self-comforting vocalization. But, more typically, it is a sign of contentment, first heard in kittens as they suckle milk from their mother.
In adults, purring is heard in domesticated cats when they are petted, and in feral cats during sexual or other social contexts. Like submissive posturing among dogs, purring may be a signal of appeasement to other cats or to people, a way to communicate that the purring cat need not be threatened.
As with many behaviors in dogs and cats, the original presumed purpose of the behavior may not be directly relevant in a pet home. But we do believe that, when our healthy pet cats purr, they are happy and at peace.
My cat purrs simply when I talk to him. Of course, it's gotta be the right tone of voice!
I once adopted a non-purring cat & he was a squeaker, too, like George. I figure he hadn't been taught the hows & whys of purring. He'd had a pretty rough life prior to landing on my doorstep.
it's definitely been contentment with all our cats that makes them purr.
An injured cat will sometimes purr and that is a submissive 'don't hurt me' signal.
I'd just like to know where Rosie learnt all her bad language.