Roberta wrote:Vivien,
A cat is a cat. If there's a cat and a bird, the cat will go after the bird. It's in their nature. Sorry to hear you were so angry. But I gotta tell ya that belling the cat makes me a bit upset. BTW, I love birds and would probably be as angry as you were if the monster cat went after one. On the other hand, I get angry when he doesn't go after mice. Well, he goes after them, but he lacks follow-through.
Yes, I'm back and being difficult on my first post out of the box.
Mikey is recovering from surgery--a malignant growth on his leg was removed. And he's now got a thyroid condition. I love the big, nippy, nasty lug. I'm worried about him.
oh it's
lovely to see you back even if I am getting told off!
Yes, I know it's their nature but Paddy has killed 2 pigeons, 3 sparrows. 2 blackbirds and a bird with pretty yellow bars on it's wings in the last approximately 3 weeks - that rate of slaughter just can't go on - the rare catch and I wouldn't have put a collar and bell on because I really don't like to. Then Rosie started - and this poor bird suffered such a lingering death as she kept finding it and playing with it more - really upsetting and we couldn't find it, It was that lingering death and not being able to stop it that upset me so much.
No Msolga we haven't found the body either

- a gruesome discovery awaits us
Poor Mikey, I hope he's soon back to normal. You must have been very worried.
Anyway it's lovely to see you
Neko that's a gorgeous photo of blissfulness, beautiful cat.