We got back from a week at the coast today and collected the cats from my parents.
Paddy had settled in comfortably as I'd expected and surprisingly hadn't gone frantic because he couldn't go outside. They think he's gorgeous.
Rosie had settled in quicker than before, spent the nights playing and thundering about the house with Paddy, played with my parents but if they tried to touch her snarled and swore and lashed out at them

little minx. Even so they spoilt her rotten.
She greeted me ecstatically and then kept interspersing the cuddling up with growling about 'how dare I go away and leave her'
Getting her into the box to go home was like a Max Sennet film - get cat into box - try to fasten latch whilst missing flailing claws - catch cat again as she's slipped out before the catch can be fixed - repeat 4 times ....
She's still cross with us
Paddy is out playing
(the coast was great, got some sketches done, new gallery liked my work and took some now and hung them straight away and offered me show in September
