Hey, dys, thanks for not mentioning they use their tongues for toilet paper.
So you want to give that cat the boot? But it already has laid claim to same??? Very confused.
He He
She was not there last night, but then I reached home pretty late !
During the afternoon, when it is really hot, the car is in the shade, as the sun goes towards the back of my house.
it is probably enjoying the cool metal then in this heat???
Well, my neighbour two doors away has a brand new BMW (imagine the color green on my face) - why doesnt she go and sleep there ?
Btw, how do u insult a female cat ? You can't call it a bitch can you ?
we're too dignified to respond to insults Gautam
Wow. What a cool story. Maybe we should start a DOG room!
I was startled to read the Mr. Sinclair -- aka Robert -- had "lived wild in the Stirlingshire countryside for 27 years." I'm still reeling from that.
My last remaining cat has become very "clingy" & has taken to following me everywhere. I feel very guilty leaving for work each week morning. I hope he's not too lonely as I don't intend getting another cat until summer. Poor tuxedo cat!
Waaaaaah! Poor tuxedo cat indeed.
Gautam - dunno about messages in bottles, but my Phoebe used to get into neighbours' homes via their open windoes and return with paper money - she loved the feel of it - we had to get a lid for our household "kitty".
Very embarrassing.
Her record was $200. Try going door to door with $200 and explaining to the owner that your CAT did it!
Oh that Phoebe! How clever!
I once had a lovely little cat called Mouse, who'd get into my jewellery box when I was out of the house. I'd return to fin a trail of earrings the length of the passage. No idea why she did it.

loved dlowan's cat bringing money home - better than mice!
poor tuxedo cat
I just spent the last half hour or so reading this thread. Sympathies to Olga, Soz, and Tartarin.
Olga, Flatty is obviously not an alpha. I think cats with dominant personalities have an easier adjustment than those without.
Margo, Possum's on a diet? How's it going? I mentioned on another thread that Mikey was on a diet and then off. There's only so much blood and flesh I'm willing to sacrifice for Mikey's waistline. (Do cats have waistlines?)
I had a female cat who was a superb mouser. Mikey is totally inept in the mouse department.
Soz, I used to have birds--parakeets. When they got sick, I took them to the vet. Some people thought this was insane. I could get another parakeet for less than the cost of the vet. I didn't and don't see any pet as disposable. My parents agreed.
It's 6:41 a.m. here. I was almost asleep. Mikey attacked me. I made the mistake of putting my arm up over my head on the pillow. Well, excuse me. I got so angry that I'm now wide awake. And Mikey? He's sound asleep. Don't you just love 'em?
All of this cat talk reminds me of a comic strip I once saw. Two young boys are sitting on the step of an apartment building. The boys are about 5 years old or so. Typical boys -- one has a slingshot protruding from his back pocket, the other has on tattered jeans and a baseball cap. A cat is walking by on the sidewalk in front of them. One of the boys turns to the other and , with a touch of incredulity in his voice, says, "You know, I heard my older brother on the phone last night and he's actually eaten one of those."
That's the only cat story I have. I thought I would share it with you good people.
Thanks Gus . you're a real mensch...
How is the arm, Boida?