If you want to look these things up for yourself, here's the Senate bill (thats got the extra spending pegged at $18 billion) in full:
As the
Summary of Bill notes, the President requested a grand total of $103 billion, and the Senate is suggesting to give him $122 billion instead - $18 billion extra.
So where did the extra money go in the Senate version? It's not, or hardly, in the main part of the bill, "Title I: Global War on Terror Supplemental Appropriations". Bush asked for $100 billion, the Senate is proposing $102 billion.
No, most of it is in "Title II: Katrina Recovery, Veterans' Care and for Other Emergencies". Bush wanted $3.4 billion, Senate wants to spend $14.8 billion. Thats a lot of extra money the Dems want to spend.
So whats in this "Title II"? Is it all peanut storage funding? Well, no. For example, it's got:
- $595 million for medical facilities for the Veterans Health Administration. Why? Remember Walter Reed. The Department of Defense has assessed a total of $5 billion worth of deficiencies at existing facilities. The $595 million that the Senate has added to the budget will allow the Department to address at least the most critical needs within the system, including fire and life safety issues.
- $454 million for medical services for the Veterans Health Administration. This includes, for example, $10 million for better outpatient services for blind veterans.
- $30 million for research related to returning Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans and deployment health.
Mind you, the House bill must include a considerably larger proportion of funds devoted to veterans still, considering the
News & Observer numbers.
One big whopper, making up a sixth of the extra spending Senate is proposing at once is $3.1 billion that's needed to fully fund the round of military base closures that the Bush administration has requested.
All pork? It is the "Global War on Terror Supplemental Appropriations Act" - shouldnt properly taking care of returning soldiers be part of any war funding?
Then there's stuff like this (
War on terror's local front: the battle of the budget bill):
Quote:Senator [..] Murray's port-security measure, the Security and Accountability for Every Port Act, also would get a boost from the war spending bill. [Republican-majority] Congress approved her port bill last September but stripped out most of the funding.
So Murray added $295 million to the Iraq spending bill. It would pay for port-security grants, cargo screening overseas and more customs officers. The Port of Tacoma would get $5 million to create a test project to screen cargo moving from ship to rail.
"The safe-ports act provides a comprehensive system to protect our people and our economy from terrorists," Murray said. "The White House has not put the dollars behind port security that are needed, so I'm doing it in the Senate."
Port security and cargo screening. Which the Republicans stripped out most of the funding for last year. When you're talking "Global War on Terror", this sounds relevant to me.
Now on a different note, admittedly, there is, for example:
- $1.3 billion for repairs to flood and storm damage reduction projects in Louisiana (remember those levees that turned out to be in such bad shape when Katrina hit, that everyone was so angry about).
- $108 million for flood and storm damage reduction measures in Mississippi
- $6 million for the National Ocean Service's disaster response and preparedness for the Gulf of Mexico coast
Now that sounds more like pork according to the Wikipedia definition. But although these things have nothing to do with the "war on terror", they're to do with national security - and reasonably defensible as "emergency appropriations".
Now it's clear that there are plenty of ridiculous pork items also included in these bills (peanut storage, ggrr). But if someone like McGentrix wants you to believe that the Dems have just thrown $21 billion of your tax money to blatant pork-barrel spending, look at the above numbers and decide for yourself. Is upgrading veteran hospitals to at least meet fire and safety standards, pork? Is setting up much-needed extra teams and clinics for returning vets with PTSD, pork?
(And what was that old conservative trope again about Democrats not caring for the military?)