Chumly-I was just going to let that go by the wayside, and uncommented upon, as I didn't want to expose my puritanism-which by the way-has already been brought to my attention
, so in advance I'll tell you that I require no further comment on it.
In terms of the Tahitians, I would find that custom troubling and repellent. And not because it's different than what I was raised to view as appropriate or right in any way, but because I know what children are and aren't ready for- emotionally and intellectually- and I know what they are giving up when they engage in something -or more commonly are forced to engage in something- they aren't emotionally or even physically ready for.
I'm sure those eleven and twelve year old girls were not asked their permission and did not give their consent-unless of course they'd been raised to believe they were fulfilling a woman's ultimate function in life-which very well may have been the case.
I find sex between adults and children just plain wrong on so many levels- and I've seen what it does to the girls mostly (but boys as well) who have been subjected to it.
And then there's the whole privacy and choice issue-for the child. I don't think it's right to steal that prerogative from anyone.
I'm glad I was a twelve year old girl when and where I was as opposed to in Tahiti during Captain Cooke's time. Of course you may view it differently as you're a man.
Those are just my thoughts on it.