the universe and space....?

Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 12:23 pm

I'm not composing my stuff in another word processor and pasting it here.

However, I'll take your advice and post to notepad first. Then I'll see if I can delete the extra stuff on notepad. That extra stuff has been annoying to me too.

Thanks for the help.

By the way, how does one include an icon under one's moniker when one posts?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 12:26 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
"If SATOOU contains zero stuff, time cannot exist in it."

In this case, Ican took a bit of conjecture he pulled out of the air -- disregarded arguments that called that conjecture into question -- and now posits it as a fact.

If you let him get away with this kind of thing -- no matter how seemingly innocent it may seem -- he'd be able to show a high probability that the Tooth Fairy exists -- and that it is disguised as a favorite old aunt of his.


Unless you can PROVE that time cannot exist in an environment with "zero stuff" -- I suggest that it is illogical to posit it as a fact.

Frank you are a pleasant. Embarrassed <pleasant> isn't a noun is it? Oh well!

Try this time to read with understanding what I actually wrote:


(Note: The word <probably> as used here means <more likely than not>) "

Note the word PROBABLY and its explanation <probably>

Very nice try, Ican, but the fact is -- that is NOT what you wrote.

Here is exactly what you wrote:


OOU = Our Observable Universe = all that which we can observe (one way or another) and all that we can validly infer from what we observe.

SATOOU = Something Additional To OOU = That which is not in OOU.

IOU = The Intelligence Of OOU, if there be any such intelligence.

stuff = (matter and energy)

If SATOOU contains zero stuff, time cannot exist in it.

That "probability" line is not in there. As far as I can see , you were "reporting" a series of definitions -- and one of the definitions was "If SATOOU contains zero stuff, time cannot exist in it. "

I don't know why you are trying to pretend you wrote something else, but here it is in black and white.

Surely, you are not so far gone that you actually think I am claiming <proof> of anything.

I suggest this statement of yours is not relevant to what I have actually posted:

Frank Apisa wrote:
Unless you can PROVE that time cannot exist in an environment with "zero stuff" -- I suggest that it is illogical to posit it as a fact.

In light of the fact that you just posted erroneous and misleading information -- I suggest that your suggestion is wrongheaded. What I wrote is relevant.

If you are saying the statement is just conjecture pulled out of thin air, please note it as such.

Time's existence in reality probably needs some kind of reference basis to discern it, if it exists in reality.

Once again, Ican, there is a difference between saying "Time does not exist" and "If time exists, we need some kind of reference basis to discern it."

In the statement to which I took exception -- you are saying time does not exist.

I am saying "time" may exist -- even in an environment containing no referents.

Just because we may not be able to discern it does not mean it does not exist.

Get with it!

I think it does exist in reality, but I do not know that for certain. I think that times reference basis is probably stuff. Many a physicist has collected data implying that the passage of time is dependent on the strength of the gravitational field (i.e., gravity of stuff's field) in which it occurs plus the speed and acceleration that same stuff is traveling. So I think it probably a good gamble that time exists if stuff exists, and time does not exist if stuff doesn't exist.

I get that. That is what you think. But just because you THINK it does not make it so.

In any case, since it is something you pulled out of thin air -- and since its main reason for being is to further your general theory (or at least, not to do harm to your theory) -- I THINK it is suspect.

You do this kind of thing all the time, Ican. You build an elaborate case based on conjecture and selective elimination -- and then after it is so complex the building blocks are hidden, you come out with one of your over-reaching conclusions.

If you cannot prove that time does not exist if stuff does not exist --stop offering it as fact. Offer it truthfully, which is: "It is my guess that time exists if stuff exists, and time does not exist if stuff doesn't exist. My guess is based on very fragile evidence (almost no evidence) -- and since this particular guess is useful to my general theory, it probably should not be given too much weight."

I suggest your suggestion is probably illogical in that it is probably based on your hopes and not your logic. I encourage you to re-examine your logic and your hopes, too.

I suggest that is the pot calling the kettle black.

A second other thing. However, please continue to misrepresent what I write in order to attempt PROOF Question of those BELIEFS of yours that you claim not to have, and to hold on to your insecurely adopted faith based mythology that you CLAIM to have securely adopted. It's all as plain as that beard on your face----you better hide it from view here because it is a constant reminder of your program. Hereinafter, I'll trust others to decide for themselves without your bunkum prompting, or my POLITE Laughing reminders.

Ohhhh. I've hurt your feelings and you are trying to get back at me. That is so cute. You are adorable.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 12:30 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
If you were truly an investigator seeking truth -- rather than trying to find some way to muscle your pet theories on reality onto others (always disguising it as trying to convince yourself) -- you would look at the evidence without those preconceptions and see where it leads.

I KNOW where it leads.

It leads to agnosticism.

Something wrong with that?


We do not know the nature of reality nor the answers to Ultimate Questions -- and there simply is not enough unambiguous evidence upon which to make meaningful guesses.


Frank Apisa wrote:
I KNOW where it leads.

It leads to agnosticism.


Something wrong with that?


Frank Apisa wrote:
I KNOW where it leads.

It leads to agnosticism.

Rolling Eyes

Something wrong with that?

That was a bunch of useless drivel.

If you have something specific to say about any of those things -- say it.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 12:33 pm
ican711nm wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
I do not "believe" anything.


Frank Apisa wrote:
I don't need any data. It definitely is my guess – my sense – my thinking.


Something about that you consider inappropriate?

I have not said anything about a "belief."

Unless you are ready to suggest that a "guess" and a "belief" are the same thing -- this does not make any sense.

(Be careful here, Ican, its a trap!)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 12:53 pm
ican711nm wrote:
By the way, how does one include an icon under one's moniker when one posts?

Take a look here, ican:


That oughtta get ya what yer after.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 03:12 pm
ican; back on page 28 u were talking about the blue shift apparent 4 some of the nearer galaxies in our group (i haven't read the ensuing pages yet); that would be caused by the fact that these galaxies r coming toward us (milky way) faster than we are all diverging from expansion, thus the blue shift, totally ordinary!

and what the hell is "IOT"? Shocked

u later say "Is IOT <God>? Define God".....

have u perhaps left your ID (as a prefix) inadvertantly? Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 03:20 pm
still wading through:


"So let's assume FOR NOW a SATOOU containing infinite stuff for an infinite time is irrelevant to the evolution of OOU................"

this is actually the case; so of course u ignore it as irrelevant! Shocked

then u pick:
"(4) This kind of SATOOU had a beginning and therefore had a first cause. We expand our theory to include this kind of SATOOU by postulating its first cause to also be (an ID)IOT." (my edit). Laughing

y choose a case that is probably of interest 2 no1 else; simply because it suits u're cause?

& RED; i'm jealous again Twisted Evil
it seems u r able to read Neitzsche (never could spell that sucker) in the original german! Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 03:36 pm
it always makes me suspicious when some1 can't even spell 'hypocrite'! Rolling Eyes

& Frank that was a typo; he mean 'peasant'! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 03:43 pm
Mech; re:

"Matter of fact, I think I am about to reach the conclusion that "In an Infinite Universe all motions are local". But I am not about to say that a discovery of non local gravitational motion would prove The Universe finite."

an infinite universe has nothing to do with the size of
this 'observed' universe (which may be simply 'in' it)!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 06:36 pm
ican, I see you managed to find your way over here and brought a whole slew of new acronyms with you. <sigh>

I'm on a borrowed computer and haven't read the all of the stuff posted since I left, but would like to add a conjecture regarding time.

If there is no "stuff" such as matter and energy with an underlying structure (space-time, branes, quantum foam, physical laws, or whatever) that can change, there is no way to distinguish one moment from another. Time has no meaning without change. The function of clocks is to measure change, and by knowing the rate of change we determine how much time has passed. (A clock can be mechanical, atomic, cosmic, biological, etc).

If you postulate a non-material intelligence that could function as a clock, it must still have some component that is subject to change. If it does, then "something" exists.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 07:16 pm
TIME is pretty much implied by Entropy , thus; The Second Law of Thermodynamics Of course, that may be valid only in OOU. You may want to take a look around outside OOU and determine for yourself :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2003 10:58 pm

Amen. To your last remark (8/8 2:43PM)

One thing that I am trying to figure out about OOU (Our Observable Universe) is just what are we calling a limit or a horizon beyond which we can not observe.

Have we determined that the boundary, speaking loosely, is at the point in space time at the "Event of first scattering" some 800,000 years after the alleged Big Bang as evidenced by the CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation).
Or if the CMBR is merely "tired light" ie radiation that has been red shifted to the microwave portion of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
then we are OBSERVING these wavelengths (despite their being very fuzzy) and are we going to consider the source of these microwaves as part of OOU?
If so then OOU has to be doubled (more or less) to allow sufficient spacetime for say, gamma rays to be red shifted to the microwave. That is if we are to consider The Observable Universe as all there is, as required by Big Bang theorists.
Any Ideas, not necessarily proofs yet.

A lot more needs to be said but now to bed, Adam Smith beckons in a few hours. Best, M

Or do I have a fuzzy conception of OOU?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2003 05:38 am
timberlandko wrote:
Just to add a new wrinkle, once you think you know the cards, another one gets dealt ...

A new theory of time

Thanks for this link, Timber. Really interesting story.

We don't really know what time is, do we?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2003 11:58 am
Terry wrote:
ican, I see you managed to find your way over here and brought a whole slew of new acronyms with you. <sigh>

Mech invited me here. I had to ask him for a "progressive" and as good as any well trained ATC tower guy, he guided me here flawlessly!

Acronyms convenient for my use: OOU, SATOOU, IOU (not IOT as I mistakenly typed it in a previous response), UC+NS, DC+NS.

OOU = Our Observable (i.e., inferable) Universe.
SATOOU = Something Additional To OOU (it may or may not exist).
IOU = Intelligence Of the Universe (it may or may not exist).
UC+NS = Undirected Chance plus Natural Selection.
DC+NS = Directed Chance plus Natural Selection.

Terry wrote:
I'm on a borrowed computer and haven't read the all of the stuff posted since I left, but would like to add a conjecture regarding time.

If there is no "stuff" such as matter and energy with an underlying structure (space-time, branes, quantum foam, physical laws, or whatever) that can change, there is no way to distinguish one moment from another. Time has no meaning without change. The function of clocks is to measure change, and by knowing the rate of change we determine how much time has passed. (A clock can be mechanical, atomic, cosmic, biological, etc).

If you postulate a non-material intelligence that could function as a clock, it must still have some component that is subject to change. If it does, then "something" exists.

Terry, Hooray! We agree. I suspect that won't last long. So now please try to convince Frank to agree on what you wrote before the charm wears off.

I look forward to your subsequent posts. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2003 12:16 pm
ican711nm wrote:

(Note: The word <probably> as used here means <more likely than not>)

What if Question SATOOU contained or contains:
(1) zero stuff for zero time;
(2) zero stuff for finite time;
(3) zero stuff for infinite time;

[A SATOOU with zero stuff cannot influence the evolution of OOU and IOU]

(4) finite stuff for zero time [zero influence on the evolution of OOU and IOT];
(5) finite stuff for finite time [requires a first cause];
(6) finite stuff for infinite time [requires all that stuff to have consolidated into a point];
(7) infinite stuff for zero time [zero influence on the evolution of OOU and IOU];
(8) infinite stuff for finite time [requires a first cause];
(9) infinite stuff for infinite time [indeterminate].

(5) and (8) require a first cause. A valid candidate for that first cause is IOT. If (5) or (8) ever existed or exists, then IOU or better existed or exists.

(6) is a candidate for a first cause of OOU.

(9) is indeterminate because it is impossible to determine whether the infinite stuff consolidated into a point in infinite time or not. The idea of infinte stuff for infinite time smacks of the current mythology that all things are possible. Rolling Eyes How can we possibly know that? We don't even know or can know <all things>. Also, the idea of something having infinite stuff for infinite time is similar to many popular definitions of God! Shocked YOU DECIDE!

I think the above analysis is valid and probably true. If valid and true, then it is sufficient to study only OOU to determine the true nature of its evolution. SATOOU, if it exists at all, provides only the first cause of OOU and little insight into the subsequent influences of the evolution of OOU.


Possibly the evolution of human life on earth occurred within a trillion years by Undirected Chance + Natural Selection (UC+NS). For the probability that assumption is true to be greater than a googolth [i.e., 10^(-100)], there must be more than a moogol [i.e., 10^1,000,000,000] number of life evolving planets in OOU. Clearly, while admittedly immense, a moogol is a finite number.

A preponderance of Cosmologists assert that the age of OOU is 10 to 20 billion years. Their estimate is based on the amount of redshift of light (visible and invisible to the human eye) from distant galaxies, whose actual distance from our telescopes is estimated from the relative intensity of light from "standard candles" in those galaxies. Generally, there is a direct proportion between the amount of redshift and galactic distance. This proportion implies that OOU began from a point 10 to 20 billion years ago and its stuff has been separating ever since. More recent observations of galaxies more than 10 billion light years distant, implies that the speed of separation is accelerating. While it is a long time, 10 to 20 billion years is a finite time.

A large majority of cosmologists have estimated that:
1. The total number of galaxies in OOU is less than a trillion trillion.
2. The average number of stars in a galaxie are less than a trillion trillion.
3. The average number of life evolving planets per star are less than a trillion trillion.

From this, I infer that the total number of life evolving planets in OOU is less than a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion (i.e., 10^72). Clearly 10^72 life evolving planets is much less than 10^1,000,000. So the probability that UC+NS is sufficient for the evolution of human life on our planet is much less than a googolth [i.e., 10^(-100)] and is even less than a moogolth [i.e., 10^(-1,000,000)]. That then implies that the probability that the evolution of human life was influence by Directed Chance + Natural Selection (DC+NS) is greater than (1-a moogolth), a PRACTICAL CERTAINTY.


Let IOU = DC+NS.

Then our theory is probably true. Very Happy

Does that mean that IOU is God?

Define <God>.

Then you decide.

I think IOU is NOT God, at least NOT God as I define God. Sad

Shocked Ok, those who agree with this now, do so because I have <deceived> them into agreeing. Right? Humbug! Rolling Eyes

One more time for Frank's benefit whether he has the courage to believe it or not:

Shocked I think IOU is NOT God, at least NOT God as I define God. Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2003 02:09 pm

:wink: Warning! This path may be dangerous to your mental stability. Do not take it unless you are willing to risk the possibility of changing your mind! :wink:

OOU = Our Observable Universe.
DC+NS = Directed Chance + Natural Selection.

What is directed chance? How can there be any other kind of chance than undirected chance?

Consider Orville and Wilbur Wright at the beginning of the 20th century. They took the chance that they could, by application of sufficiently intelligent trial and error, build a self-propelled aircraft that would fly. Despite all those who insisted that such an aircraft was a practical impossibility, they pressed on. On December 17, 1903, they tested their then latest model at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. It flew! It actually flew.

They took a chance! In fact they took several chances. After all, they only began with their operation of a successful bicycle shop. Because they were not infallible and were otherwise flawed, achievement of their objective was uncertain right up to the time on 12/17/1903 just before takeoff.

That whole episode is an example of directed chance. Just because humans can cause things to happen by directed chance, doen't mean OOU can do that? Some of us think OOU can, because we can readily infer from the evolution of humans that UC+NS is probably an insufficient cause for the evolution of humans. The sufficiency of UC+NS has a probability of less than a <moogolth> [i.e., 10^(-1,000,000)] of evolving humans within a trillion years. It is alleged that OOU is only 10 to 20 billion years old. The probability of our evolution in 10 billion years is one hundreth that of evolving in a trillion years

Yeah, but humans have a brain! OOU doesn't have a brain! How do we know this for certain? The fact is we know it's false. OOU has brains perforce a subset of it has brains--for example human brains. Do we yet understand the processes by which the brain employs molecules of protein to think? No, we do not understand that yet; we don't understand it well enough to build a configuration of protein molecules that will think, and is a workable transplantable artificial brain that can replace the human brain.

That's all a lot of science fiction, right? POSSIBLY! But the idea that humans evolved by UC+NS is PROBABLY science fiction having a probability of less than a moogolth. Well if OOU had more than a moogol life evolving planets, that argument would collapse, wouldn't it? Probably so, but does anyone have any data that indicates that a moogol life evolving planets actually exist and/or existed in OOU?

I'm gambling that humans will eventually, by thoughtful trial and error, determine how to fabricate configurations of molecules that think at least as well our brains. I'm also gambling that at that time humans will also have considerable insight into how OOU evolved humans by thoughtful trial and error. Consequently, I recommend that we search for an explanation for how OOU's stuff thinks by trying to figure out how the stuff of human brains think. After all the stuff of human brains is also the stuff of OOU.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 10 Aug, 2003 04:53 am
ican711nm wrote:

If you allow Ican to get away with this preposterous and totally unwarranted assumption -- he eventually will assert it as a fact.

Some of us think OOU can, because we can readily infer from the evolution of humans that UC+NS is probably an insufficient cause for the evolution of humans. The sufficiency of UC+NS has a probability of less than a <moogolth> [i.e., 10^(-1,000,000)] of evolving humans within a trillion years. It is alleged that OOU is only 10 to 20 billion years old. The probability of our evolution in 10 billion years is one hundreth that of evolving in a trillion years.

Ooops. Here it is already.

Even within the hypothetical, Ican is asserting that some people "Â…can readily infer from the evolution of humans that UC+NS is probably an insufficient cause for the evolution of humans. The sufficiency of UC+NS has a probability of less than a <moogolth> [i.e., 10^(-1,000,000)] of evolving humans within a trillion years. It is alleged that OOU is only 10 to 20 billion years old. The probability of our evolution in 10 billion years is one hundreth that of evolving in a trillion years."

Nobody can readily infer any such thing unless they are willing, as is Ican, to stack the deck.

Folks, Ican is intent on establishing that the probability that life went from point "a" to "where it is now" without some intelligence guiding it to this point -- is astronomically high AGAINST.

He has not even come remotely close to doing that -- and all of the calculation which get him there are fanciful, because most depend on assumptions that are unreasonable and gratuitous.

This whole exercise is a joke.

But Terry is here -- and as long as she is able to keep her cool, she will handle Ican much better than I.

NOTE TO ICAN: I have re-read what Terry wrote with regard to "time" -- and I still do not see that she has precluded the possibility that time MAY EXIST even if it cannot be measured. In fact, she almost seems to infer it when she avers that if time cannot be measured, it is of no value. I agree with her that if it cannot be measured -- it is of no value (at least of no value the way we humans use it) -- but that does not mean that it does not exist.

You, Ican, are asserting that time CANNOT EXIST in an environment without stuff. I am merely saying that time (this mysterious thing called time) MAY BE ABLE to exist in such an environment without regard to whether it can be measured or not. (I concede that without stuff, it appears not to be possible to MEASURE time!)

Terry may eventually agree more with your view on this issue than with mine (she certainly agrees more with you regarding the possibility of an infinite UNIVERSE) but even if she does, that does not close the door on me.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 10 Aug, 2003 04:58 am
By the way, Mech is not the only one who encouraged Ican to come over here. I invited Ihim here, also.

Sad as it may be, Abuzz is floundering -- and all reasonable discussion has moved over here or to other fora.

Am I forgiven?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Aug, 2003 05:12 am
Well, I'll pipe in, for what it's worth:

As regards time, what is more of a challenge, measuring time, or living in the moment, and what is essentially more important?

As regards the universe, we are currently attempting to make a dobosh torte before we know how to separate an egg (please excuse my cheffing analogies).

I think the motto "Keep on Truckin'" should be revived for those involved seriously in this question Laughing That logo would look quite cool on the back of a lab jacket....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Aug, 2003 07:06 am
ok, Frank and ican;

I AM BEGGING!!!; could u both please stop quoting every1 else's posts, & parts of u're own posts + some1 elses, ad infinitum (i find it hard 2 accept that neither of u will admit to the existence of infinity, when u r both trying to display same by wiping out pages, & pages here simply with 'quotes')

do neither of u have 'BACK' buttons, u have no memories??
what is it?


Mech; "Amen. To your last remark (8/8 2:43PM)"
(i'm sure frank and ican will b pleased 2 note my next comment is a 'quote')

ahem, "Amen" is probably inappropriate, in a comment 2 me considering my vocal lack of respect for deist references, and 16:43 would translate 2 04:43 pm., if measuring half days were to make any kind of sense..., not 2:43.
(hows than 4 buggering a compliment) but i really do appreciate the support!Laughing

u say u r trying to figure out the 'observational' limit of the universe, or a horizon beyond which we can not observe.

Could i suggest we simply discuss only what we 'CAN' (no 'i') observe, and leave it at that. :wink:

as 4 time (most of which here is being wasted on endless quotes; did i mention that already)

"(most of which here is being wasted on endless quotes; did i mention that allready)"

"(most of which here is being wasted on endless quotes; did i mention that allready)"

oh, sorry;

"as 4 time", Terry is obviously correct, and i'm going back 2 find my previous post on time which seemed 2b ignored, but, subsequent 2 Lind's theory being presented, might just get a little more attention now.

b back.........
0 Replies

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