ican711nm wrote:Frank Apisa wrote: "If SATOOU contains zero stuff, time cannot exist in it."
In this case, Ican took a bit of conjecture he pulled out of the air -- disregarded arguments that called that conjecture into question -- and now posits it as a fact.
If you let him get away with this kind of thing -- no matter how seemingly innocent it may seem -- he'd be able to show a high probability that the Tooth Fairy exists -- and that it is disguised as a favorite old aunt of his.
Unless you can PROVE that time cannot exist in an environment with "zero stuff" -- I suggest that it is illogical to posit it as a fact.
Frank you are a pleasant.

<pleasant> isn't a noun is it? Oh well!
Try this time to read with understanding what I actually wrote:
(Note: The word <probably> as used here means <more likely than not>) "
Note the word PROBABLY and its explanation <probably>
Very nice try, Ican, but the fact is -- that is NOT what you wrote.
Here is exactly what you wrote:
OOU = Our Observable Universe = all that which we can observe (one way or another) and all that we can validly infer from what we observe.
SATOOU = Something Additional To OOU = That which is not in OOU.
IOU = The Intelligence Of OOU, if there be any such intelligence.
stuff = (matter and energy)
If SATOOU contains zero stuff, time cannot exist in it.
That "probability" line is not in there. As far as I can see , you were "reporting" a series of definitions -- and one of the definitions was "If SATOOU contains zero stuff, time cannot exist in it. "
I don't know why you are trying to pretend you wrote something else, but here it is in black and white.
Quote:Surely, you are not so far gone that you actually think I am claiming <proof> of anything.
I suggest this statement of yours is not relevant to what I have actually posted:
Frank Apisa wrote: Unless you can PROVE that time cannot exist in an environment with "zero stuff" -- I suggest that it is illogical to posit it as a fact.
In light of the fact that you just posted erroneous and misleading information -- I suggest that your suggestion is wrongheaded. What I wrote is relevant.
If you are saying the statement is just conjecture pulled out of thin air, please note it as such.
Quote:Time's existence in reality probably needs some kind of reference basis to discern it, if it exists in reality.
Once again, Ican, there is a difference between saying "Time does not exist" and "If time exists, we need some kind of reference basis to discern it."
In the statement to which I took exception -- you are saying time does not exist.
I am saying "time" may exist -- even in an environment containing no referents.
Just because we may not be able to discern it does not mean it does not exist.
Get with it!
Quote: I think it does exist in reality, but I do not know that for certain. I think that times reference basis is probably stuff. Many a physicist has collected data implying that the passage of time is dependent on the strength of the gravitational field (i.e., gravity of stuff's field) in which it occurs plus the speed and acceleration that same stuff is traveling. So I think it probably a good gamble that time exists if stuff exists, and time does not exist if stuff doesn't exist.
I get that. That is what you think. But just because you THINK it does not make it so.
In any case, since it is something you pulled out of thin air -- and since its main reason for being is to further your general theory (or at least, not to do harm to your theory) -- I THINK it is suspect.
You do this kind of thing all the time, Ican. You build an elaborate case based on conjecture and selective elimination -- and then after it is so complex the building blocks are hidden, you come out with one of your over-reaching conclusions.
If you cannot prove that time does not exist if stuff does not exist --stop offering it as fact. Offer it truthfully, which is: "It is my guess that time exists if stuff exists, and time does not exist if stuff doesn't exist. My guess is based on very fragile evidence (almost no evidence) -- and since this particular guess is useful to my general theory, it probably should not be given too much weight."
Quote:I suggest your suggestion is probably illogical in that it is probably based on your hopes and not your logic. I encourage you to re-examine your logic and your hopes, too.
I suggest that is the pot calling the kettle black.
Quote:A second other thing. However, please continue to misrepresent what I write in order to attempt PROOF

of those BELIEFS of yours that you claim not to have, and to hold on to your insecurely adopted faith based mythology that you CLAIM to have securely adopted. It's all as plain as that beard on your face----you better hide it from view here because it is a constant reminder of your program. Hereinafter, I'll trust others to decide for themselves without your bunkum prompting, or my POLITE

Ohhhh. I've hurt your feelings and you are trying to get back at me. That is so cute. You are adorable.