(Note: The word <probably> as used here means <more likely than not>)
What if

SATOOU contained or contains:
(1) zero stuff for zero time;
(2) zero stuff for finite time;
(3) zero stuff for infinite time;
[A SATOOU with zero stuff cannot influence the evolution of OOU and IOU]
(4) finite stuff for zero time [zero influence on the evolution of OOU and IOT];
(5) finite stuff for finite time [requires a first cause];
(6) finite stuff for infinite time [requires all that stuff to have consolidated into a point];
(7) infinite stuff for zero time [zero influence on the evolution of OOU and IOU];
(8) infinite stuff for finite time [requires a first cause];
(9) infinite stuff for infinite time [indeterminate].
(5) and (8) require a first cause. A valid candidate for that first cause is IOT. If (5) or (8) ever existed or exists, then IOU or better existed or exists.
(6) is a candidate for a first cause of OOU.
(9) is indeterminate because it is impossible to determine whether the infinite stuff consolidated into a point in infinite time or not. The idea of infinte stuff for infinite time smacks of the current mythology that all things are possible.

How can we possibly know that? We don't even know or can know <all things>. Also, the idea of something having infinite stuff for infinite time is similar to many popular definitions of God!

I think the above analysis is valid and probably true. If valid and true, then it is sufficient to study only OOU to determine the true nature of its evolution. SATOOU, if it exists at all, provides only the first cause of OOU and little insight into the subsequent influences of the evolution of OOU.
Possibly the evolution of human life on earth occurred within a trillion years by Undirected Chance + Natural Selection (UC+NS). For the probability that assumption is true to be greater than a googolth [i.e., 10^(-100)], there must be more than a moogol [i.e., 10^1,000,000,000] number of life evolving planets in OOU. Clearly, while admittedly immense, a moogol is a finite number.
A preponderance of Cosmologists assert that the age of OOU is 10 to 20 billion years. Their estimate is based on the amount of redshift of light (visible and invisible to the human eye) from distant galaxies, whose actual distance from our telescopes is estimated from the relative intensity of light from "standard candles" in those galaxies. Generally, there is a direct proportion between the amount of redshift and galactic distance. This proportion implies that OOU began from a point 10 to 20 billion years ago and its stuff has been separating ever since. More recent observations of galaxies more than 10 billion light years distant, implies that the speed of separation is accelerating. While it is a long time, 10 to 20 billion years is a finite time.
A large majority of cosmologists have estimated that:
1. The total number of galaxies in OOU is less than a trillion trillion.
2. The average number of stars in a galaxie are less than a trillion trillion.
3. The average number of life evolving planets per star are less than a trillion trillion.
From this, I infer that the total number of life evolving planets in OOU is less than a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion (i.e., 10^72). Clearly 10^72 life evolving planets is much less than 10^1,000,000. So the probability that UC+NS is sufficient for the evolution of human life on our planet is much less than a googolth [i.e., 10^(-100)] and is even less than a moogolth [i.e., 10^(-1,000,000)]. That then implies that the probability that the evolution of human life was influence by Directed Chance + Natural Selection (DC+NS) is greater than (1-a moogolth), a PRACTICAL CERTAINTY.
Let IOU = DC+NS.
Then our theory is probably true.
Does that mean that IOU is God?
Define <God>.
Then you decide.
I think IOU is NOT God, at least NOT God as I define God.