No such thing as directed chance? It's an oxymoron?
I guess you are unfamiliar with the card games called draw-poker and bridge.
Because an intelligent person like yourself would likely comprehend that over time the more able draw-poker and bridge players win more than the less able players. Now I know this is a giant leap for mankind, but stick with me a moment more. It may be that what makes the better players better is their ability to do a better job of directing chance. Yes, directing how many cards, if any, they shall draw by chance, directing how they shall bet using whatever information they can glean from their own cards dealt by chance and from the behavior of the other players, or directing how they shall bid the cards they were dealt by chance. :wink:
An infinite OOU? What data are you aware of that supports that conclusion? Isn't it merely based on your own desires?
An infinite SATOOU?
Sure why not? How about:
an infinite SATOOU with zero stuff?
an infinite SATOOU with finite stuff?
But an infinite SATOOU with infinite stuff is as mythical as any God of the Greeks or Romans. I have encountered zero data to suggest that is even possible, much less probable. Well on the other hand it's possible (Frank might say there's a 50% probability) Zeus existed or exists!
At the risk of causing Frank a mental hernia, I shall now deal with the following subject:
[Define <God>.
Then you decide.
I think IOU is NOT God, at least NOT God as I define God.]
My definition of God is borrowed from some of the written testimony of others (e.g., The Bible).
God is defined (check your dictionary for the meanings of the following words) to be that which is infallible, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omnifarious. Well if that is a correct definition of God, then I have insufficient valid data to warrant me even venturing a guess whether or not such a God exists. Not only do I not know, I have no idea what the probability is one way or the other.
Oh, my god!

I guess that makes me agnostic on the subject of whether God exists or not.
Not to worry folks, I'm merely a plain ol' agnostic like that defined in the dictionary. I am not an activist agnostic, not an agnostic activist, not a fundamentalist agnostic, and not a fanatical agnostic on the subject. Just a plain everyday agnostic on the subject. :wink: Or to say it more plainly, it beatsthehell out of me whether or not God exists!
From Merriam Webster
[ Main Entry: 1ag·nos·tic
Pronunciation: ag-'näs-tik, &g-
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek agnOstos unknown, unknowable, from a- + gnOstos known, from gignOskein to know -- more at KNOW
Date: 1869
: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and prob. unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god ]
it beatsthehell out of me whether or not God exists!
it beatsthehell out of me whether or not God exists!
it beatsthehell out of me whether or not God exists!
it beatsthehell out of me whether or not God exists!