ebrowne, Please don't get upset. One expects that the religious amongst us do get upset when one questions their very reasons for existing. We, the great unwashed, hope that our scientists can explain things so as we can understand them. Other people brighter than I have questioned many things.
May I state as fact that The Big Bang-Expanding Universe theory is the prevalent BELIEF of our times.
Nils Bohr (I think) once said that if your theory is good you can explain it to a barmaid. Personally I find that a valid observation.
BUT as far as I have been able to find out .... Nobody (except possibly DeSiter) has done the math that is required to absolutely pin down the "red shift". Personally I have been working on it for over a year with little success.
Nobody has been able to determine the "Hubble Constant". IF it should exist then I suspect that it would be accurate to within a few percent, but we find a broad range of guesses.
The "red shift" figures for several celestial objects that appear to be gravitationally bound are in serious disagreement.
I do not disagree, even slightly with Mr. Einstein. Matter of fact I tend to regard his theories as mostly astute observations.
IN order to PROVE the BB-EU with its attendant finite universe theory you need to.
Quantify the "gravitational red shift"
Quantify the dimensional increase in size of particles associated with their observed decrease in energies over time? and distance.
Quantify the "Doppler Effect"
Then tell me the amount that the light will be "red shifted" to us (the observer) from the celestial object of my choice.
If you can do that then IMO (for what it's worth) we can safely say that the Universe is expanding. And rest assured I will concur.
If you cannot do that, and aparently nobody has, then we may as well talk about virgin births, original sin, and indulgences.
I sincerely respect Steven Hawkings. After all I have bought four of his books. Along with most (not all) theoretical physicists Mr. Hawkings starts from a basic "premise". That the Universe and Time have had a beginning. With this premise to begin with then all his, and our subsequent assumptions must reflect this.
For a good example of how possibly erroneus assumptions can affect all future conclusions click on this .
There is no sense in boring everybody with my reading list. I posted some thirty eight titles that I have read on" Abuzz's thread named "describe and discuss some of your Bibles books". Ican's thread
In NONE of these was the mathematics required to obtain a red shift figure discussed. I will be glad to explain how to do it if you think it's possible. If you could point me somewhere where someone has translated "z" into absolute distance and time, or even space-time I'd love to see it. If the Universe is indeed expanding somebody must have done the math. If the math is has not been done then Cosmology simply becomes another religion. I hope that you will be able to disabuse me of my strange notions. If you cannot then try this.
It's easy to confuse the peasants--

As I recently explained, a rainbow does not exist, it merely looks like one due to the nature of light. I suspect that the Expanding Universe merely looks like one due to the nature of light. ( light, in this context being electromagnetic radiation regardless of wave length as reputedly used by Einstein.)
Whew, Let's have a beer--- M.