BoGoWo, re independent observer
Agreed, That is a mind experiment. I've been trying to point that out for a couple of years now.
In order to do it IMO we must try to "see" what an independent observer would see.
So now I am going to make you an independent observer. No Charge.
Hokie too.
Take two monkeys, a banana, and a skein of yarn. put them in your living room.
Wrap the banana up in the yarn. Take a free end of the yarn and go into the closet with it. Have your neighbor open the door of your house the next time she sees a Hopalong Cassidy rerun on the TV.
Now- From the closed soundproofed closet tell me--
Where are the monkeys? What path does the yarn take? What is the actual linear distance to the end of the yarn. How long is the yarn?
Yet we are willing to build an Ultimate Theory based on the our view of the bitter end of the yarn (observed light)!
Damn Frank, how'd I ever get on this side? You'll convert me yet!

Note, This is not nearly as much of a foolish exaggeration as it seems at first glance.