okie wrote:You think it doesn't cyclops. You guys on the left will never agree. That became apparent to me a long, long time ago. I thought reason would eventually win, but if any issue ever illustrated that it would not, it was the OBL / Sudan / Clinton argument with Parados many moons ago.
Heck, you still have leftists starting multiple threads on this forum, and many countless other forums I am also sure of, that assert Bush brought down the twin towers. Reason cannot be used with such a mentality. I think you have a measure of reason, more than most liberals, but many have virtually none, sorry to report.
Same goes for the gun nuts on your side, the Gungasnakes of the world.
Look, all I'm saying is that you haven't shown how having Plame's name printed in Who's Who means anything, or would endanger her in any way. You discount the fact that Wilson had a name for himself as a gov't employee far before he and Plame even met, let alone married; there isn't any reason to believe that this would have an effect on her covert status.
Not that any of this matters; her status has been confirmed by Gen. Hayden as having been covert, and yes she served overseas within the last 5 years - once again, according to Gen. Hayden. So what the hell is it that you are arguing, exactly? Are you still pushing the 'Wilson-CIA-Kristoff' conspiracy angle? Because that's pretty stupid, I'm sorry to have to tell you. You don't have any evidence at all to back up your theory, only the assumption that the Wilsons are bad people and the assumption that the administration didn't intentionally out this lady.
Let me ask you: do you honestly, in your heart, believe that the admin - that is, Cheney and Libby - didn't intend to out Mrs. Wilson? That they were just talking about this with reporters for fun?