Neverending Rap Battle IV

Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2008 03:47 am
@tHe CrUsHeR,
what are you some sorta satanic emo , pshycotic , serial killing homeless man?
tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2008 12:52 am
na lol LOL lol lol i battle cats eat dead rats i m a battle cat there all dead rats smashin em wit base ball bats i battle as if iam in iraq iam da shark fark a dog i eat fresh fish dat fool is still a biytch i spray words like slugs i pray wit da black monks listen as my toung goes clack clackkk clak claaaaaaak another beytch hit da floor i bet MYSTIK you cant waite 4 what i got in store for some pore sole i am 2 smart 2 be homless you can devote ya life to me oh gee who i be lock ya doors i am back to to a tack the minds of the weak creap as i walk through hell come on lets go stop and think what am i babbling about oh no ive gotta answer u mystik one well well well
tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2008 07:02 pm
yo yo mystik what u think of dat beytch professor he a wak arss beytch hay he trys 2 battle cats but he just crap befor i got kicked out able2 know he came on line acting hard and shiyt sayin i just got out lock up acter or actress ? he aint real thats why he cant battle face 2 face coz he gotta wright it down first then hide behind his moniter fake arss beytch i smash dat fool like glass then put dat beytch in the bin lolololololo lol just larfin 2 my self this is to U PROFESSOR WATCH OUT THE KING IS BACK AND ITS A GONNA GET HOT IN THIS HOUSE BEYTCH you watch this mystik da professor be rappin about coat hangers and **** he one dumb arss eminem wonna be look at all that fools post you will see for your self studdy then slaughter you can look ThE CrUsHeRs postes to you will see and understand ok mystik read the **** i put up befor i put all this shyt down
Reply Fri 21 Nov, 2008 10:55 pm
@tHe CrUsHeR,
ill hit ya later on , ima be busy the next 2 days
all good .
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 12:49 am
@tHe CrUsHeR,
well well well ... look who it be
is the crusher tryna diss " ME?!?!"
well bitch u about to get the battle of ya life
i exceed all expectations , cause im on a quest for domination
mystik deals decapataion , without hesitation
cut off ya fuken legs and watch u wiggle like a worm
soak ya in petrol , and watch the mother ****** burn
cause u see , ill fucken cut of ya ball sack , fuken historectimy
at this rap game bitch . im the mother fucken number 1
hunt ya fuken ass down , u an hide but u cant run..

bitch , i bust this crazy poetry
my rhymes carry emotion , liek chicskters , or maybe more
step on my elivator take ya to the 13th floor
fuken shake ya till ur eyes fall out n hit the floor
start crawlin , felling around , cant find ya eye balls
shuv a 9mm down ya throat , whatch as the blood saints the walls
they connect me as the prime suspsect , considerd armed n dangerous
step back my rhymes , r radioactive , poisoness , and highly volotile
beat you at this battle like rabbit beat popa dot in 8mile
i carry a gun in ma belt , eat u like corn on the cob
u aint neva hald a gun , shoot ya own balls like chedda bob
my rhymes r undiscoverd , unidentified , and outa this world
if u cant handle this stop reading HERE ,
your paralyzed by the way my rhyme twist and twirld
ull be highly lucky if ya escape with ya life
fuking stab u , like o.j simpson stabbed his wife
this whole time i been playing , now its time to show ma self
crept up on ya ass , with absolute stealth
im like a fuken t-rex , and u like a fairy
comming at u with my , highly intelegent , unlimited vocabulary
its like , your battle ' ing a rhyme dictionary
im seen as a religous figure , like the virgin mary

ive gone 2 paragraphs , but ima go 1 more
im constructing biological weapons in my " super hero like lare"
my weapons destroy ur organs from the inside , now its biological warfare
these people want crazy raps? that exactly what i bring!
i understand there's already a queen . NOW U GOTTA FUKEN KING.

all good, ...mystik..
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 01:42 am
@tHe CrUsHeR,
while u in iraq
im order u to shut up like im O Barrak!
n listn to ma talk smak
ur too smart to be homeless
ur cat is too small to get ma dick in her clet
matter of fact, ur wifes banged by me alrdy
dont goin crazy cuz i was lil horny
ye dats rite
im a hungry chinese dat like to taste soldiers wifey
ill giv u a trophy if u could mk it bak to US quikly
then u could go ahead n sue me
oops u still strugglin survivn from battlin!
this azn entertainment isnt for u!
just keep fightin for da country u fool
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 02:20 am
its time for the king to make his debut..

chek it chek it , M - WHAT?!
just put crusher on his ass , now its trg's time

hey hey , chinese boy , where the **** you at?
talking about how you tried to **** a cat .
CLET? , just ask ya mum , i pronounced " clit "
while ur on the computer i was in her room rubbin " it"
rubbed it like a DJ Wink ,
but hey, it dosnt mater anyway ,
cause u did it to , just the other day ,
by the way , u cant sue some1 for fuking your wife
just ask ya dad , he tried the oher night
this asian entitainment is extremely , boring , & low budget
ya layed it down , now ima slash it , and smudge et
you olny write 20 bars , bullshit , u cant think of more
to busy peeking in ya sisters room , tryna take a pic
so you can wank over a pic of ya sista suking on this dick.

hahahah , no need to get angry , got me talkin bout ya big sis
you shud stop rapping if ya cant handle this
while i was fuking your sista , ya dad tried to make me stop
, he was simply ignored
he wudnt shut the fuk up , strangled the **** with a piano chord

your sista asked me if u wanted to smoke some, so i just went along..
but we cudnt , had no papers , bitch smashed the bong!
but i just coudle keep me cravings under control!!!!!!!!!!!!

she was off her face , but she wanted more
slappd her in the face & walkd out the fucken door
hit me back talk about ma sista n ****
dosnt bother me , cause u aint very good at it..
u shud really take an english class
these people with just keep whoopin ya fuken arse!

heheh ,thats was **** Wink
go easy on this guy , hes new
peace .. mystik..
ps: dont take it personal , all good.

Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 03:15 am
my mom is a bitch so i know how to pronounce it
ur too new for this go bak learn how to slang it
my sista is a ho
she did showed wat i taught her
no threatricals cuz ur performances all wak
u just dissin those wen my hoes said u were acetic bad
u tried to rhyme words n its just gettin worse
my hoes da obstacles in da way of ur verse
ill b observe n wait for ur curse
u spur 1suject
u complain undefined object
ur flow is like da pus was oozin from da wound
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 03:22 am
u not in optimistic mood cuz u cant understand shakespear!
u go shop at da basement in sears
keep da fear of losin wirless in ur house from netgear
my dad didnt stop u cuz u just paper tiger!
ur desire broken up aftr ur pill expired
thats da main reason why u had to leave ma sister
ye ur just super double tired!
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 03:56 am
ha ha ha , your just mad , cause my rhymes out do you
ur the shittest rapper ive ever seen in my whole life!
you cant speak english , cant make a sentence! oh and ur a queer.
and why the **** did u mention shakespear?
before u said u rape cats , now u rape ur sister?
whats going on , i dont have to reply your just dissin ya self
you seriously cant rap , put the mic back on the shelf
lucky i cut off ya balls , your sista wuda got pregenant , & if she did
woulda had an ugly inbread chinese kid.. (eww)

enuf about ya inbread family , lets talka bout how i compare to u.

mystik's , aight & crazy
trg's the product of an inbread family
mysticks flow is to hot to handle
trg's in barely understandable
mystik has a wide vocabulary
every 10 mins trg pulls out a dictionary.

trg , dosnt know fake , from reality, too caught up in his beastiality
watch out , my rhymes cause pain , as they penetrate the brain
travels from ya dome to the ends of ya toes
seriously damamgeing , and paralyzing
causing vital organs to shut down ,
brain swelling , pulse is slowing down
blood flooding the cerival cortex , thts just a sample of my rhymes effects
just defeated chinesekid , now who the **** is next?


Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 06:10 pm
as i told u before
im da chinese azn version of shakespear
u have wide vocab
sure ur just another jakson steward
i hav confirmation of u gettin termination from my lyrics composin
its a compulsion that cause explosion!
da first one dat stress was u n ur nation!
im leavin u in a deep confusion
ur contemplation is encroachin badly
ur words imperceptibly
my verse gettin award in world assembly
im killin u in chronic from long distance
another proff extricatin
ur contrictin or illiterate person!
tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 09:04 pm
ya **** chinese kid miystik slit ya throaugt an trough you in a hole never 2 be found not even wit a blood hound now bitches its tim e
0 Replies
tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 09:18 pm
the chines eat dog now its time 4 me 2 shoke your sistem and take over your mind make ya eyes go blind sow them slits up and sit back an lafr ill slit ya throaght and eat ya toung and throw ya body down a sharft ive got blood on my hands now bitch lets dance one time for all 2 see dont plea for freedom gee its dun now my eyes are open and i am still tokin that **** let me take a hit as i flip my **** 2 another demension or a difrent time frame i can cause pain ill make it rain blood ill make it flood ill make day turn 2 night fright night ill skin you alive like ed gean or eat ya flesh like darma ill cause drama send you back 2 china town in little pasels wit wit love from da west ya mom will be hung as i eat monkey brain FURK MY **** IS UNTAIM as u get slain ill save my other **** for some one worthie peace to all creachers big &small till next time you can ryme on paper and then come on line and battle u beytches need time cant you so called battlers just let it flow it will grow you can cause it to snow block roads oh what **** am i tal;kin i always get lost some were along the line till next time
tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 09:36 pm
YO MYSTIK shorten it up GEE JUST QUICK SHOTS TO TAKE SOME ONE OUT ALL YOU NEED IS ONE HIT TO THE HEAD LET THEM GO ON & ON BABBLING **** you are good but people start reading coz some people can go on on battling good **** the others cant so thay read what thay wonna read the start and bits and peases of what your flowin thats why i lernt not 2 keep flowin coz
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 10:22 pm
ok ima shorten it down for yall..


trg , ima dedicate this song to you ..
test test 1.2.3
mystiks on the mic , bow down , & embrace
or recive a 45cal to the face!
bitch i got guns , bitches , and money galore
my rhymes are perfect without a single flaw
kick ya off a builing , from the 47th floor
decorate the path with your brains!
take the elevator down , take a **** on your remains.


trg who i be , spells words incorectly
impossible for me to , form sentences correctly
my eyes too small , this battle has gone unseen!
i olni pay half for movie ticket , cause i can olny see half the screen!
i am part of on imferior race , blindfold us with a shoe lace
now we tryna copy the west! lets send a man into space!
noone care about my raps , they've gone without a trace
now every1 copy me , any bow down to mystik!
cause he's rhymes r just simply "artistic"

tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 11:30 pm
lol hitem out tha park movie tick half price **** half a movie cat and dog dim sum ha ha ha lol
0 Replies
tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2008 11:34 pm
ther like sittin ducks i hit him down mystik shot him 4 good mesure lol geez its funny lol lol he he haaaaaaaaa
Reply Sun 23 Nov, 2008 12:14 am
@tHe CrUsHeR,
Reply Sun 23 Nov, 2008 01:28 am
@tHe CrUsHeR,
in da west my chins da best
we could tak over ya town n leav u with stress
we could set n drop bomb like osama
u would freak like ur in nigeria
im cold blooded, fool
i tortured my mama evryday so dats cool
i eat dog
i eat ur human meat
heres a tip
stop eatin with ur hands!
heres a fork made by chinese men
use it to eat next time man!
its 21st centuray not bak in da day!
cmon mate
pls go get ur brain industrialized or updated!
im old skool like u too
n i know how to use chopstik before u
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Nov, 2008 01:33 am
is dis a diss? since u said a song ?_? jw to giv ya a comebak

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