Neverending Rap Battle IV

aka menace
Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2008 07:36 am
u need new material
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aka menace
Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2008 07:36 am
Re: Neverending Rap Battle IV
u need new gear
blazer wrote:
Edit (Moderator): Welcome to Neverending Rap Battle IV.

Our Terms of Service prohibit gratuitious insults. However, we recognize that insults are part of the rap form, and we are willing to make an exception for this thread IF the insults remain within the form.

Use only this thread for rap battles. Any attempt to start a new battle thread will be pulled. Any posts outside of this thread that contain gratuitious insults will be pulled. Do not post links to your site or use Able2Know for promotional purposes. Members who are unable to adhere to these rules will be suspended.

This thread will be locked if it goes too far off course. Chat is tolerated; fights outside of the form are not. The duration of the lock is at the discretion of the Moderating Staff.

Very Happy o dear there we go...

read my two drops an learn from them
an read hybrids drop, seens as ya got third degree burns from em.

Twisted Evil

good drop hybrid... peace out -1-
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2008 01:40 pm
i straight dont give a ****, murder up

************ ill smash into your house with a truck.

when i get out MAC 10, light a nigga up.

load the glock, hollowspoints now whatsup?

you just ran outta luck,
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tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2008 03:28 am
i am back all eyes on MENUS u sound jelus of my styles you slept wit pedafiles blowin jiz in ya arss and come in ya face u know tha taste its just like paste all over MENUSES FACE now its time 2 put my brain 2 a mistchevius task watch this **** as i spit venom in tha eyes of tha weak and thats u MENUS god bless yas coz tha mental scaring that iam gonna cause is fatel iam unstable iam like darma fresh flesh is what iam eattin iam dersturbed i look at demons ive killed jesus / maybie ill send tha devil to finish u off coz tha 7 deadly sins make my gin you got come on ya chin ooohhh stop this shiyt i win im demonic scitzafrinik ive eaten tha brains out a childs head i spit on tha dead listen 2 tha **** MENUS sead tellin people there styles weaklook at your self beyutch MENUS A.K.A WILL SMITH ..........REALLY WILL SMITH
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 07:41 pm
Scientifically killin' the bad flow
can you feel this commando
thats concealed in tha shadows
dead calm, is he hyper? nope
stone stiff behind a sniper scope
The snow as white as his brightest hope
As he sits on a hightened slope
his mind is broke
movement to the left .. a little girl
but he dosen't pop kids
his focus returns back to the cotteage
Where he stares via window at the family eating saussage
with rice and beans
fingers make like ice and freeze
in place
once again he see's the kids face
he wants her to move out the way
but the bitch stays
His face contorts like he was sprayed by sick mace
then he is infected by a sick haze
and one bullet from the clip sprays
and in the snow is where the chick lays
among the family table inside, the words dyin
they hear the gunshot, see the birds flyin'
they walk outside, then those herbs cryin'
asking what was the cause for the slaughter
of there little daughter
tears flowin' like water
Older siser ran to her sister, but her mother faught her
he aimed at the mother and fired
the bullet caught her
spat into her shoulder blade
a grin as he takes another soul today
she looses grip of her child
her motions jerking and wild
the blood that spills , to her family it's vile
the dad can't beleive it, he falls in denial
he's not a father anymore, he's just a pile
of sobbing flesh
his appearence not so fresh
he's lost in death
Loosin' breathe
To him, nothing left..
0 Replies
tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 05:00 pm
ill scientifecly disect you
scientist wrote:
Scientifically killin' the bad flow
can you feel this commando
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jul, 2008 10:19 pm
hollah drop pop collah
stop knock dollars
its over drimatic, hydro titanic
Koitsa DJ destoyer enters and all niggas panic
why do these fools keep trying. you aint stupid, you dumber,
you ment to be this bad ass rapper
with ya pants round half down ya ass you aint no Gang Strapper
you's a plumber.
handin out hoes ya number
passin on like you some arnold scwazzzzanugga!

fark i cant be fucked finishing... do another some other time...
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tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Mon 21 Jul, 2008 10:06 pm
MENUS is wak KOISTA is 2 we all know ummmmmmmmmmmm its true u couldent battle ya way out a wet papper bag u and koista are fags hahahahaha calling sweets weak u 2 are true wonna be mcs u 2 beytch PLEASE its a crime u 2 moder fakers wonna ryme its about time some 1 told u2 fags walkin down da street holdin hands KOISTA an MENIS yous will always be fags ThE CrUsHeRs killed 2 birds wit 1 stone hold on tight
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jul, 2008 01:57 pm
Anecdote ready to hurt things and serve fiends definition of Merking
Ya'll rap careers remain a dream so change ur ambition to jerking (masterbate)
Whack styles wearing trucking hats 99% of this site is f.uckin whack
If this was a pitbull fight all ya'll wouldn't be up-to-scratch (prolly over ur head)
This is a sample speach that i'ma use to trample weak
Cuz I'm like a butchers assistant the way I handle beef
OGIONIK tryin to act hard but hes fake and will get snuffed up fast
The only metal he squeeze is the bedframe when he gets f.ucked up the ass
I'll build a f.uckin bomb and force you to swallow it
His mother forced him to get a vasectame I hope you follow this
To stop their inbreeding that's why now he " shoots hollow tips "
There will be no tommorow kid so go decay in sorrow-bitch
And the crusher.. your a sucker this kid is all about gay things
You "eat enough to feed n army" but your "**** still ain't ground breakin"
You can't think of decent lines so you'll probably bite some for me
And bitch the only "streets" you put in work was the ice cream company
Faggot you're probably semi retarded, asian and drool
Back as a pup I was stabbin faces at school
It's what gave me the urge to write lyrics stronger then earths gravitational pull.
Yes I am the beast who is spittin-so-raw
The only "clips you pack" is at the video store!
Your the weakest link and after this your thoughts will stalk ur brain
Every line of mine voted you out so start stretchin for the walk of shame!

1st one in a while..
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tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Thu 24 Jul, 2008 04:06 pm
its da CrUsHeR once again **** dis biytch is lame
ANECDOTE is 1 great big joke [A]nel he loves he thinks its a must [N]uck on his face ooops ya moms gonna see a trace [E]rect [C]ock in ya mouth thats what u think its all about [D]icks in boath hands tha way u like it now anecdote dont denie it u love [O]rgies wit blokes son iam still no 1 never out dun[E]limenate you is what iam gonna do every 1 knows its true now back 2 ya name its put 2 shame [A][N][E][C][D][O][T][E] now son u can take dat walk of shame my styles untamed coz iam CrUsHiN key board keys 2 get a point a cross and thats what i did your gay and ya pops thinks its a shame ANCEDOTE HERE IS A QUOTE U PLAY WIT FIRE YA JUST MIGHT GET BURNT IVE USED YA OWN NAME AGAINST U BEYTCH
0 Replies
Dudu C
Reply Thu 24 Jul, 2008 10:30 pm
Anecdote wrote:
Anecdote ready to hurt things and serve fiends definition of Merking
Ya'll rap careers remain a dream so change ur ambition to jerking (masterbate)
Whack styles wearing trucking hats 99% of this site is f.uckin whack
If this was a pitbull fight all ya'll wouldn't be up-to-scratch (prolly over ur head)
This is a sample speach that i'ma use to trample weak
Cuz I'm like a butchers assistant the way I handle beef
OGIONIK tryin to act hard but hes fake and will get snuffed up fast
The only metal he squeeze is the bedframe when he gets f.ucked up the ass
I'll build a f.uckin bomb and force you to swallow it
His mother forced him to get a vasectame I hope you follow this
To stop their inbreeding that's why now he " shoots hollow tips "
There will be no tommorow kid so go decay in sorrow-bitch
And the crusher.. your a sucker this kid is all about gay things
You "eat enough to feed n army" but your "**** still ain't ground breakin"
You can't think of decent lines so you'll probably bite some for me
And bitch the only "streets" you put in work was the ice cream company
Faggot you're probably semi retarded, asian and drool
Back as a pup I was stabbin faces at school
It's what gave me the urge to write lyrics stronger then earths gravitational pull.
Yes I am the beast who is spittin-so-raw
The only "clips you pack" is at the video store!
Your the weakest link and after this your thoughts will stalk ur brain
Every line of mine voted you out so start stretchin for the walk of shame!

1st one in a while..

Anecdote, Take a note...

I aint the best....I'll admit it
But you shoulda swallowed the **** you just spitted

This guy handles beef like a butchers assistant
I'ma PUNK this m*tha f*cka like I'm Kutchers assistant

You can call me "Ivy" cause I'm up to scratch
Getting it hot already, and I ain't even struck da match

F*ck "gravitaional pull"...I'ma racial bull
Giving you a facial full...of asian drool

Jerkin it to every line I write, cuz it's like a tight pussy.. With every rhyme I write

This f*ck Anecdote is half-tarded
I think he's full of **** like he half-farted

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jul, 2008 01:47 am
Dudu ain't got no drive.. he the type to join the biggest loser n get fatter
You told me to take notes? ha! why the f.uck would I wanna get wacker?
He got long nails.. but BITCH I could f.uckin pound you all night
The only time your "up to scratch" is when it comes "down to a fight!"
PUSSY "punk'd" Ended in 07.. get with it before I grind your spine
This f.ucker reminds me of {John-Walter} the way he's "behind The Times" (whacks wont get it)
I've murdered many rappers and some die quick
Bitch all you have to offer is old half assed punchline flips
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tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Fri 25 Jul, 2008 04:31 pm
ANECDOTE ya bitch ya told DUDE C he a bitch wit long nails atleast he dont hang wit pedafils ive seen ya styles your still a joke i dont even gotta battle u all i got 2 do is say [A][N][E][C][D][O][T][E} and ive 1 uuuuuuuuum but i can play a little more thay will all aploud me u suck dick ya hik like MENUE and KOISTA who ive left 4 dead ive killed 2 birds wit 1 stone there so here i go again another bird dead i dance wit tha devil sevril thaught run throug my mind call tha mental word as i pozes tha sub conchis mind u will find ya self suckin dick fukn shiyt wankin blokes 4 a fuew smokes coz ya dirt pore and thay know tHe CrUsHeRs hard core u aint got no punch line thats why iam devine ELTON JOHN WIT A THONG is what u fantasize of oh well each 2 there own ive seen da future it sceres me coz i i herd tha devil menchin u he sead ya gonna be be in a gay gang bang wit menus an koista ill destroy u i just typed some weak **** to 2 put u 2 shame it was wak 2 me quick 2 be off tha top of my head enough sead watch out ya might get hiv rip anctodte anecdote did u lern someting use a condom wit all tha blokes that furk u and if tha CrUsHeR had more time he woul d have destroyed u once again but i dident even try and i did dude c its 4 u g
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 03:15 am
tHe CrUsHeR wrote:
ANECDOTE ya bitch ya told DUDE C he a bitch wit long nails atleast he dont hang wit pedafils ive seen ya styles your still a joke i dont even gotta battle u all i got 2 do is say [A][N][E][C][D][O][T][E} and ive 1 uuuuuuuuum but i can play a little more thay will all aploud me u suck dick ya hik like MENUE and KOISTA who ive left 4 dead ive killed 2 birds wit 1 stone there so here i go again another bird dead i dance wit tha devil sevril thaught run throug my mind call tha mental word as i pozes tha sub conchis mind u will find ya self suckin dick fukn shiyt wankin blokes 4 a fuew smokes coz ya dirt pore and thay know tHe CrUsHeRs hard core u aint got no punch line thats why iam devine ELTON JOHN WIT A THONG is what u fantasize of oh well each 2 there own ive seen da future it sceres me coz i i herd tha devil menchin u he sead ya gonna be be in a gay gang bang wit menus an koista ill destroy u i just typed some weak **** to 2 put u 2 shame it was wak 2 me quick 2 be off tha top of my head enough sead watch out ya might get hiv rip anctodte anecdote did u lern someting use a condom wit all tha blokes that furk u and if tha CrUsHeR had more time he woul d have destroyed u once again but i dident even try and i did dude c its 4 u g

This guy was abused by his father! faggot bitch learn to pay respects
How do I know? All he f.uckin talks about is pedophiles & gay sex
You f.uckin suck & your bitch ass would make the shittiest songs
I can't believe you ACTUALLY thought about elton john inna thong! (haha, fag)
Your rhymes are worthless.. mine are so hot it's like I'm breathin hell
How am I supposed to lose to someone who can't even spell
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tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 07:08 am
IVE DAnced in fire iam da masire i spit fire like a flame thrower i would berrie u deeper i stand wit tha grim repper ill delete u from da hummen race my **** is lasted wit some evil **** your brain cant handel me i see u say i could have been malested i aint got no father 4 starter i made his departure iam a mother fuken marter 4 satan ive wached dead babys layin playin wit da dogs of hell oh well my third eye opens once again uuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm i see dead people killers merderers and ferkn rapests tormented spirits beggen me 2 inflict pain on ya farkin brain your gonna get slayen so start prayin 4 ya self pray 2 da preacher befor i deleat ya brain like ive sead my **** is untame ive made it rane ur so farkin lame ANECDOTE u say tha same **** over&over again ine got punch lines &vicious farkn rymes ya wonna get dissed bitch iam tha real nutty professor not that bitch & skate master u sead u rap him in gray plaster u wak fool i got a clue wit complex rymes killa beats sounds wak but iam ready 2 atak uu sead i cant spell oh well whats SPEWLIN i think u retarted az furk u sead on FEB28 ANCDOTE takes a pipe in his arss u wak u sead hi bird inhales crack after sombody farts now bitch iam throwin darts so u get tha point u wak az fuk now bitch u betta ducktha **** iam typin i aint lienive read ya fagget arss poems from a force 2 be recond wit what tha fuk kid usead i was wonndering u dident challinge da best on this sight i get full flight NOW BEYTCH I THINK U JUST GOT A FRIGHT Laughing HA HA HA HA HA U A REAL JOKE Very Happy Laughing HA HA HA ANCEDOTE THA JOKES ON U BITCH HA HA HA
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 09:49 am
You say you didn't have a father? no wonder your a sucker!
I know the story, did they ever find that dude who raped your mother?
Ofcourse not.. see me & the boys followed her home
Snatched the bitch n made her pass out when she swallowed the done
After that we ran the train slammed her frame and stamped her brain
Untill me and the manzes came 15 minutes later the ambulance came
It was a staged hit.. we were drinkin up while she anticipated the rape kit
The cops wanted the story but I said don't say **** so she struggled to explain it
3 months later she wondered why her stomach was a yawning thickness
And why she was suffering from morning sickness
6 months later a baby fell out.. and that was you brother!
We wore dommy's she got pregnant from the diseased bum we let **** her
Now you know why she hated you all your life
Everytime she looks at you she gets flashbacks of that nite
So she smoked crack to take away the pain but she was doomed
When she was passed out comin down her boyfriends snuck into ur room
I feel sorry for ya kid.. I'm the reason for your mothers evil
You talk about gay sex n pedo's to subject ur insecurities onto other people
But it's not escaping your brain and i'm explaining the game
It sucks to be you
I bet everytime you close your eyes you picture your mothers boyfriend raping you again.

Bitch this house is mine! your done!
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tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2008 03:57 pm
ANECDOTE uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm u say iam out dun now bitch ya betta run ill start wit ya mother she made u starve how could i larf Crying or Very sad when dat bitch got her period u would wate 4 dat mounth she would pull dat med out wit out a doubt u would be there and just glear at at da blood brippin down her leg she would say ANCDOTE dont beg just eat & drink u be hopin 4 a blood clot u dont faze or amaze me u are slayen 2 be ive cauzed tha holocaust of cours ive made tha earth shake cauzed an earth quake iam not tha son of man lusifers my right hand man ive stood on hills of hell ive ruled wit tha iron rod ive herd u SKREEM oh god i do u like da son of sam ive crushed ya name ive seen ya wak as rymes & poems i inspire u drama tize u despize u its a shame u so farkin lame i naled christ 2 da cross ive seen blood spill 4 real now bitch your playig againsed tha real deal ill make a meal out ya brain ya fukin just 1 big cum stane on ya moms sheets iam still no1 ill make u kill ya self as i infect ya subconchis mind ya dont got **** on da CrUsHeR u do know ive crushed u bitch Shocked Shocked Shocked NOW BITCH ILL GET THEM KEYS BACK 2 MY FARKIN HOUSE COZ I RUN DIS **** DIS IS MY HOUSE YOUR DELUSHINAL Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked your in shok
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jul, 2008 06:07 am
tHe CrUsHeR wrote:
ANECDOTE uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm u say iam out dun now bitch ya betta run ill start wit ya mother she made u starve how could i larf Crying or Very sad when dat bitch got her period u would wate 4 dat mounth she would pull dat med out wit out a doubt u would be there and just glear at at da blood brippin down her leg she would say ANCDOTE dont beg just eat & drink u be hopin 4 a blood clot u dont faze or amaze me u are slayen 2 be ive cauzed tha holocaust of cours ive made tha earth shake cauzed an earth quake iam not tha son of man lusifers my right hand man ive stood on hills of hell ive ruled wit tha iron rod ive herd u SKREEM oh god i do u like da son of sam ive crushed ya name ive seen ya wak as rymes & poems i inspire u drama tize u despize u its a shame u so farkin lame i naled christ 2 da cross ive seen blood spill 4 real now bitch your playig againsed tha real deal ill make a meal out ya brain ya fukin just 1 big cum stane on ya moms sheets iam still no1 ill make u kill ya self as i infect ya subconchis mind ya dont got **** on da CrUsHeR u do know ive crushed u bitch Shocked Shocked Shocked NOW BITCH ILL GET THEM KEYS BACK 2 MY FARKIN HOUSE COZ I RUN DIS **** DIS IS MY HOUSE YOUR DELUSHINAL Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked your in shok

Time out.. you know your **** though right? lol
0 Replies
tHe CrUsHeR
Reply Sun 27 Jul, 2008 03:23 pm
EVERY ONE WHO SEES YOUR NAME ANTEDCOTE DONNT LIKE U your S POEMS ARE **** U ARE JUST ONE BIG PILE OF **** its just a battle dude dont take it 2 hart let go LET GO its just words its just a text battle Embarrassed if i meet u 1 day wee could go get weed our drink on and some sluts YOUR 2 HOT HEADED if u were at tha beach u would just jump in tha water u wouldent cheek tha water u would just jump in tha deep end u need to really chek tha other person out take your time its all fun ANECDOTE now if there were votes on best battler then take dat **** 2 hart peace
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:32 am
im out of jail and if you think you have what it takes throw down

theprofessor aka thought process
0 Replies

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