What bothers me about the Dems right now....

Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 01:46 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
people in New Mexico can also get up and leave early if they can't stand the way the game is going, take a break and get a hot dog and a beer.... and if they foul out they still get to wake up the next day.

**** analogy.

All true. Just like you can sit in your armchair and drink beer and condemn the president, the troops, the war effort, anything you want without taking any risk whatsoever. Actually, I thought my analogy was damn good.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 01:54 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
people in New Mexico can also get up and leave early if they can't stand the way the game is going, take a break and get a hot dog and a beer.... and if they foul out they still get to wake up the next day.

**** analogy.

All true. Just like you can sit in your armchair and drink beer and condemn the president, the troops, the war effort, anything you want without taking any risk whatsoever. Actually, I thought my analogy was damn good.

First off, I don't drink beer.

Secondly I am involved in every way with this war. My taxes support it. The country I leave behind when I die is less respected, more hated, and probably will be the object of way more terrorist attempts in the future because of it. The economy is negatively influenced by it. Funds for infrastructure, education and social programs are diverted and cut out altogether to fund this piece of **** stupidity. My children and grandchildren feel less secure in their daily lives and my son worries about being drafted when he turns 18. Military recruiters hang out in his school parking lot with big hummers complete with video games that glorify war to convince him and his peers to join up. Don't tell me I'm not at risk. We all are.

I'm sure you're a lovely woman who is kind to others but your analogy still sucks ass.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 01:58 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
people in New Mexico can also get up and leave early if they can't stand the way the game is going, take a break and get a hot dog and a beer.... and if they foul out they still get to wake up the next day.

**** analogy.

All true. Just like you can sit in your armchair and drink beer and condemn the president, the troops, the war effort, anything you want without taking any risk whatsoever. Actually, I thought my analogy was damn good.

First off, I don't drink beer.

Secondly I am involved in every way with this war. My taxes support it. The country I leave behind when I die is less respected, more hated, and probably will be the object of way more terrorist attempts in the future because of it. The economy is negatively influenced by it. Funds for infrastructure, education and social programs are diverted and cut out altogether to fund this piece of **** stupidity. My children and grandchildren feel less secure in their daily lives and my son worries about being drafted when he turns 18. Military recruiters hang out in his school parking lot with big hummers complete with video games that glorify war to convince him and his peers to join up. Don't tell me I'm not at risk. We all are.

I'm sure you're a lovely woman who is kind to others but your analogy still sucks ass.

Well don't you drink SOMETHING? But thank you. You know I adore you. But your opinion of analogies sucks pretty much too.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 02:01 pm
I drink red wine.

Also grain alcohol strained through the cotton crotch panel of my favorite bartenders panties. She's a honey. Don't tell squinney.
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A Lone Voice
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 03:22 pm
parados wrote:
Lone Voice,

Your ideology is clear. You made it clear in your first post with this..
This is aimed more at the dems who have the failure of the US military as a big part of their future game plan. The dems who NEED the military to slink out of Iraq, defeated and unsuccessful. The ones who are planning campaigns on the failure of the US in Iraq.

Please provide some support to back up this strawman. You have not done so. It has been pointed out your position is ludicrous. In reality you can't find a single person hoping for a military loss in Iraq. You have had a number of people make fun of your silly position.

Lets assume Bush sent someone to a gun fight with only a knife does that mean anyone that says they shouldn't be there wants them to lose? Not at all. It means some people recognize someone is ill equiped for what they are being asked to do. The military can't solve the problem in Iraq. It is political in nature. Sending more troops won't change the politics.

Of course you trot out more of your ideology with this silly argument.
Like most narrow minded individuals, you march lockstep with the fascists who paint with such a broad brush they lose sight of the individual. You know, the kind of person who would put a person like me in a camp for reeducation.
Really? Care to tell me where I have said you should be locked up? I said you have stupid ideas. That is hardly the same as saying you should be locked up? Who is the narrow minded one here LV? Who is making outlandish statements without any evidence? Who is using a broad brush and losing sight of individuals. Go back and read your first post before you accuse others of being narrow minded.

You make my case for those who, when they cannot forward a comprehensible argument, go on the attack. Check out YOUR first post.

Hence my response, and pointing out how you turned this discussion we were having into an A2K pissing contest. Like most zealots do when they do not have a rational argument.

I usually stay above it, but I'll make an exception for your sorry ass.

You don't think the Democratic Party has much of their election year strategy banking on the US having to withdraw from Iraq?

Really? You are either a fanatic who cannot see past party loyalty, or very young and naive.

If you are in your late teens, I apologize. You have a reason for your stupidity.

If you are 'all growed up', as my buddy calls it, you're just pathetic.

By the way, you misspelled equipped, you friggen idiot...
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Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 03:26 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
That's too simple

Yes. And so is the notion that Democratic leaders wish for failure in Iraq for political gain.
I couldn't agree more. It is more complex than that, and I wouldn't want my argument to be construed as defense of that position. I'd rather not believe there is one single politician hoping for failure, and I do not blame politicians for profiting off their opponents incompetence. I do, however, blame them for not trying to come up with solutions instead of constantly wailing about failure and crying doom. I don't happen to agree with Biden, for instance, but I give him mad credit for formulating solutions instead of screaming we're defeated. Murtha is a disgrace. In his political hyper-partisanship; he couldn't stop shouting at the rain long enough to congratulate the Iraqis on a successful election nor show some appreciation for what could well be a monumental historical step. It is plenty fair to suggest his premature call for surrender emboldened our enemies.

But I disagree. I do think that even against their own sensibilities and instincts, most Democrats who hate Bush do not want any success in Iraq that he will get credit for. If they did, they would also see the necessity of rooting for the team to win. They won't do that. They want failure so that their hatred of Bush is justified.

Does the originator of this thread, or foxfyre, want the Dems to come up with an original and effective plan which could wind down the war, reduce the threats from terrorists, decrease American casualties in Iraq, and increase Israeli security?

The chances of that happening seem about the same as the chances that "victory" will be attainable in Iraq.

So, why would you wish for failure? Why would you be so callous and unpatriotic as to hope for something which will result in more American soldiers' deaths?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 03:26 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
I drink red wine.

Also grain alcohol strained through the cotton crotch panel of my favorite bartenders panties. She's a honey. Don't tell squinney.

I won't tell Squinney. But I had like hot chocolate or spiced cider in mind. Smile
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Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 03:26 pm

You don't think the Democratic Party has much of their election year strategy banking on the US having to withdraw from Iraq?

No, not one bit. They banked on the American public believing that we had to withdraw from Iraq soon - and they won.

Really? You are either a fanatic who cannot see past party loyalty, or very young and naive.

You're one to talk. You haven't presented a single bit of evidence in this entire thread, just given your opinion that Dems are scum.

Thanks for that. We appreciate you sharing your factless, argumentless assertions with us.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 03:31 pm
It's already a failure by anyone's definition of the term. The question now is how do we extract from this mess that'll be the least costly for all concerned?

It's so phucked up now, that simple goal doesn't leave too many options; somebody's going to get hurt more than the others, but that's the minimum cost now.
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Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 03:38 pm
In fact, this is the part that gets me the most -


You might deny it, and say you 'support the troops.' But in your heart, you know that is a lie.

You can see into my heart, ALV? You know that I'm lying when I say that I support the troops?

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A Lone Voice
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 03:40 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

You don't think the Democratic Party has much of their election year strategy banking on the US having to withdraw from Iraq?

No, not one bit. They banked on the American public believing that we had to withdraw from Iraq soon - and they won.

Really? You are either a fanatic who cannot see past party loyalty, or very young and naive.

You're one to talk. You haven't presented a single bit of evidence in this entire thread, just given your opinion that Dems are scum.

Thanks for that. We appreciate you sharing your factless, argumentless assertions with us.


First, I know all of you tend to rally when one of your own takes a shot, but how about letting P defend him/herself?

I really would like to stay in a straightforward discussion mode here.

Second, the dems have not 'won' in having the US withdraw from Iraq. Bush is going forward with this surge, regardless of how congress votes.

Especially when congress held a vote that was nonbinding; do you agree that they are simply making a statement here?

If they were committed to ending this war, wouldn't they vote to cut off the money?

That would either force Bush to withdraw the military, of force a confrontation on a constitutional level.

The dems seem to be avoiding this, wouldn't you say?

I really don't think dems are scum. I think like the repubs, they want to shape public opinion.

I think they are misguided here, and using Iraq in a political manner.

You don't agree with this?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 03:46 pm
You don't agree with this?

Nope. I think that the Dems are right about Iraq - that we need to leave sooner rather than later - but they are scared.

Why? Because for so long, they've been nothing but Republican Light. They are too afraid to take a stand against the war, afraid that they will lose the fight and be out in the wilderness. Part of the reason that they are afraid is that they are getting advice from a bunch of Republican Light lobbyists and Party Analysts.

Look at their strategy this way - they can't stop the war just by passing a bill, which they can't get through congress and Bush will eventually veto. Yet. But they can set it up to do so later, once public opinion gets worse and worse (which we all know is going to happen) and once Bush is forced to come back to the well to ask for more dough.

I have said many times in the past that the roots of the party aren't and won't be satisfied with the anti-war moves put on the table by the leaders; but the immediate action isn't going to happen politically and a longer strategy has a better shot of winning.

Before complaining about the Dems using Iraq in a public manner, cast your memory back to the dozens of times which the memory of 9/11 has been trotted out by the Republicans for political gain, and the hundreds of times Iraq has been.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 04:08 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
parados wrote:
In reality you can't find a single person hoping for a military loss in Iraq.

Surely there must be at least one person on this forum who wants the US to lose the war in Iraq.

Never mind. I found him.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 04:08 pm
dyslexia wrote:
until proven otherwise MM I will operate under the assumption you are a eunuch as I have no evidence that you are not. (it's sometimes quite difficult to mimic your logic MM, it's just too irrational, even for me)

You are free to assume anything you want about me.
I have made no statements to the contrary,and I wont.
Mainly because I dont care what you think of me.

You however,have admitted you are not an honest person.
So,you are free to guess about anything you want about me,I dont care.
But,you cannot deny your statement that you are not an honest person.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 04:14 pm
mysteryman wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
until proven otherwise MM I will operate under the assumption you are a eunuch as I have no evidence that you are not. (it's sometimes quite difficult to mimic your logic MM, it's just too irrational, even for me)

You are free to assume anything you want about me.
I have made no statements to the contrary,and I wont.
Mainly because I dont care what you think of me.

You however,have admitted you are not an honest person.
So,you are free to guess about anything you want about me,I dont care.
But,you cannot deny your statement that you are not an honest person.

Yes I can and you continue to be a logic moron, I said I've made to claim to be honest which means I've made no claim to be honest, which does not mean I claim to be dishonest.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 04:22 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:
parados wrote:
In reality you can't find a single person hoping for a military loss in Iraq.

Surely there must be at least one person on this forum who wants the US to lose the war in Iraq.

Never mind. I found him.

If you read that whole thread you linked to,you will see that there were several people on there that wanted the US to lose.

One of them has since left A2K,mainly because he got tired of having his own words used against him.

But,even though anon has left,there are still plenty of people that think like he dd,but they are afraid to admit it.

dyslexia said...
Yes I can and you continue to be a logic moron, I said I've made to claim to be honest which means I've made no claim to be honest, which does not mean I claim to be dishonest.

So,you dont claim to be honest,and you dont claim to be dishonest.
You have to be one or the other,you cant be both.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 04:26 pm
Oh yes he can! It depends on who he's talking to.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 04:50 pm
mysteryman wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:
parados wrote:
In reality you can't find a single person hoping for a military loss in Iraq.

Surely there must be at least one person on this forum who wants the US to lose the war in Iraq.

Never mind. I found him.

If you read that whole thread you linked to,you will see that there were several people on there that wanted the US to lose.

One of them has since left A2K,mainly because he got tired of having his own words used against him.

But,even though anon has left,there are still plenty of people that think like he dd,but they are afraid to admit it.

dyslexia said...
Yes I can and you continue to be a logic moron, I said I've made to claim to be honest which means I've made no claim to be honest, which does not mean I claim to be dishonest.

So,you dont claim to be honest,and you dont claim to be dishonest.
You have to be one or the other,you cant be both.

actually you idiot, I don't "claim" anything.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 05:06 pm
A Lone Voice wrote:
You make my case for those who, when they cannot forward a comprehensible argument, go on the attack. Check out YOUR first post.

My first post was a satire of your screed.

www.dictionary.com will give the definition.

You made an outlandish post about the position of others. I made an outlandish post about the position of others in order to highlight how outlandish your position was. Maybe you can get one of your "buddys" to explain it to you.
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A Lone Voice
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2007 05:41 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You don't agree with this?

Nope. I think that the Dems are right about Iraq - that we need to leave sooner rather than later - but they are scared.

Why? Because for so long, they've been nothing but Republican Light. They are too afraid to take a stand against the war, afraid that they will lose the fight and be out in the wilderness. Part of the reason that they are afraid is that they are getting advice from a bunch of Republican Light lobbyists and Party Analysts.

Look at their strategy this way - they can't stop the war just by passing a bill, which they can't get through congress and Bush will eventually veto. Yet. But they can set it up to do so later, once public opinion gets worse and worse (which we all know is going to happen) and once Bush is forced to come back to the well to ask for more dough.

I have said many times in the past that the roots of the party aren't and won't be satisfied with the anti-war moves put on the table by the leaders; but the immediate action isn't going to happen politically and a longer strategy has a better shot of winning.

Before complaining about the Dems using Iraq in a public manner, cast your memory back to the dozens of times which the memory of 9/11 has been trotted out by the Republicans for political gain, and the hundreds of times Iraq has been.


I agree with most of what you have said. I think the way the repubs used 911 during the last presidential election was repugnant.

As I said in my initial post:

A Lone Voice wrote:
I know politics is a brutal contact sport, but this is bothering me. Note, I'm not directing this at those who have been pure in their anti-war rhetoric; I might disagree, but your thoughts have been heartfelt and genuine.

I'm talking about the dems who beat the war drums as loud as the neocons. The ones who you refer to as repub lights?

With that said, I truly believe these some politicians are now using the failure of the US in Iraq just as they were earlier beating the war drums. There is nothing honorable in their actions.

At this point, they have invested themselves deeply into the US losing, and pulling out of Iraq. If this latest surge is successful, what do you think their reaction is going to be?

Is it wrong of me to question their motives? I would think the sincere anti-war folk would be questioning them, too.

Thank you for keeping this constructive. You bring up some excellent points, and do a pretty good job at keeping me honest... :wink:
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