Ticomaya wrote:FreeDuck wrote:It's not quite right to pile on. Tico is the only one to admit to still support Bush and I'm curious why. Why he still supports him, I mean. Perhaps if we could just hold off on the character judgments he might tell us.
Why should I not support him?
Oh, I don't know. I was thinking along the lines of accumulating evidence of incompetence, corruption, the systematic dismantling of very important government agencies, incompetence, lack of restraint, incompetence, cronyism, and general bungling. As a conservative, I thought maybe by now there would be enough evidence to make you realize that he's not a very good president, and he's not very conservative.
Quote:I'm not going to put my finger in the air and change my opinion just because the general support for the war in Iraq is waning , or because you anti-Bushies have continued to maintain he ought not be supported.
I wouldn't expect you to.
Quote:Had the war been going better, if the insurgents/terrorists had not put up as strong of a resistance, if the support of the war remained high, would you have changed your opinion of Bush and supported him?
No. But do you not see that the way things are now is completely predictable and predicted. Do you not see our own complicity in things turning out the way they did? Do you not see how the outcome is at least partly due to obvious mismanagement and poor decision making and not bad luck and bad guys?
Quote:The terrorists believe that America is a paper tiger that will turn tail in defeat after a few blows. We have shown otherwise thus far in this effort, but the anti-war leftists would prefer that we do exactly that.
You're right. We sure showed them. We showed them we are tough but incredibly stupid. Something tells me they may have studied Judo.
Quote: You might be wishy-washy, but I'm not.
I've never supported this president or this war and as far as I can see my reasons have proven to be sound over time. I am willing to be proven wrong, however. That's not being wishy-washy, that's being smart.
Quote:Americans should all want their President to succeed -- regardless of whom it is --
Yes, I want our president to succeed, which is why it's so frustrating that he seems incapable of it. At some point, you have to look down and realize that the horse you are riding is actually a donkey.
Quote: You couldn't get over the fact that Bush was the President and ought to be supported. You wanted him to fail from the beginning of his presidency. And you delight if the news coming out of Iraq is not good. As I've said many times, I believe most leftists want the US to lose because that furthers their political views.
So you support him out of spite for the rest of us.