Atheism as espoused by some atheists does suffer from the same logical flaws as religion.
And therefore, suffers those flaws as espoused by any atheist or atheists, those ethically deficient, rhetorical blind men whose only hope for a cure is a healthy dose of Frank's agnosticism, as prescribed by the physician himself . . .
I feel that EXTREME atheism suffers from the same flaws as theism. But there is alot of grey area between Frank's view (the reserving of judgement about the existence of God until further evidence is shown) and an extreme atheist (someone who states, THERE IS DEFINATELY NO GOD). I myself fall in this grey area. I dont want to rehash my views here, anyone who wants to know them can scroll up.
Again, much of this argument seems to have grown out of semantics. Yes, anyone who thinks they KNOW FOR SURE there is not God is using some amount of illogic. But that is not all atheists!! Thats extreme atheism. Most of us here arguing do not fall into that category. So why keep arguing over it?
Instead of arguing amongst ourselves I feel we should band together and form a military front starting at the west coast and moving east, during which time we sweep thru cities, forcing citizens to attend lectures on RATIONAL THOUGHT at gunpoint!! Good idea? Anybody? Come on, it'd be fun!
We could take the Train...
Yeah, the train is more preferable.
Memories of Soul Train, perhaps off the thread track.
Is extreme atheism the same as extreme theism? It hink the one big difference is that extreme atheist will not die or kill for our belief.
I see a train a'comin,' i tend to get off the tracks. not sure what an exteme atheist is but i prolly am one.
That is true cicerone...but maybe thats because atheists dont expect to meet God after they die
Is there such thing as an extreme disbeliever in Santa Claus?
Santa Claus liars make me so mad i could just spit ! ! !
Hate to be near you during christmas season!
Actually coem to think of it, there are. Growing up I was taught he was a bane, called him "Satan's Claws".
But my point is that despite the fact that there are extremists about everything "extreme atheism" has, as its source, theism.
I am probably the type that can be labelled an extreme atheist. It is due to the opposite extreme in my youth.
You don't dind as many extreme disbelievers in the tooth fairy because it's not a belief with legions of followers who are often quite extreme.
You don't find people raping in the name of the tooth fairy. I grew up with religion being used as a justification for rape and other things.
I'd be less "extreme" in my atheism if such marriages of superstition and criminal behavior were not so common.
"Satan's Claws" there's a blast from the past. Santa..the evil spirit of Materialism come to steal the "Christ" from "Christmas" & replace it with an X, being forced down throats of innocent god-fearing kids to make them believe in wild superstitions, starting countless children down the slippery slope to believing in Evilution...
I quite agree with your take on religion Craven, and appreciate the way you describe it
Want more? Remember Jesus's open letter? It was well written, Santa being a wino was a nice touch.
Has anyone read about the Japanese department store that wanted to put up a Xmas window decoration? After some superficial intercultural investigation they put up a Santa Claus on the cross.
excuse me santa i only have one nail left, could you cross your elves?