Lets see now, "Thanksgiving"...who would we be thanking exactly?...
....A jocular point but an opportunity to restate my definition of "existence". I am an atheist but "God
exists" in as much as it is a concept which
affects my life i.e my social interactions whether I personally "believe" or not. In a nutshell, "reality" is socially constructed, ..is a mesh of interconected concepts, ....is dependent on zeitgeist...and is subject to constant revision of its structural and functional status.
For me then it is futile to talk about the
logical status of "theism" "agnosticism" or "atheism" because the real issue is the
social status of "the God concept" within the fabric of society. There is clearly some form of psychological need being satisfied by the concept in many people and "logic" is merely used as a tool within their subsequent rationality. Each rationality with respect to "belief" has its own "rules of evidence" and "event boundaries", or in short is a different ball game.
(EDIT Thus is not to argue that belief or otherwise is socially equivocal - on the contrary I base my atheism on the argument that organized belief systems tend to be socially pernicious)
So "Happy Thanksgiving" to all ball players and I thereby re-cement my ties with my fellow a2k-ers !
(EDIT But note that "Thanksgiving" means I had George Bush's image thrusting itself into my British living room, and consequently may have led to untold numbers of Iraqi's reaching for their weapons !)