Setanta wrote:My my my . . .
I know that there is no Santa Claus, that there is no Easter Bunny, and that there are no gods nor goddesses because all are predicated upon transparently fallacious premises, without admitting of physical proof.
Sure you do!
Quote:Frank, i referred to your pontification because you accused me of making a religion of atheism. That is preposterous, and an intellectual arrogance on your part--that is why i used the term pontification. that is why you said that!
Tell me, Setanta, did I do that during this lifetime -- or in a previous one.
Perhaps you will cite a reference for this -- or am I supposed to take your word for it.
And of course, you will be willing to apologize if you find that I never said any such thing, right?
Quote:I well understand the criticism which is frequently and justifiably applied to those atheist who make a religious creed of science that they have made a religion of atheism. That does not describe me. You largely know nothing of me, and it was an act of arrogant pontification on your part to have accused me of making a religion of atheism.
See above.
Quote:I find your style of trying to pick apart what others write tedious.
Well, stop reading what I write then.
Quote:you seem at times more here to just argue and try to prove that you are right all the time rather than to promote a viewpoint." -- was the comment which Skeptic has made which resonated with me. While i acknowledge that it may not be your intent, your style suggests a contempt for the views expressed by others with which you disagree, and it seems that you imply that yours is the realm of logical analysis, and that others come to their conclusions by a murky thought process beneath the dignity of your intellect.
That's funny -- I hear contempt for other views in so much of what you write. Maybe we're related.
Quote: This is why, for months at a time, i avoid threads in which i see you posting. I find your manner insufferable.
Ahhh...thanks for telling me that. Frankly, you add so little to most discussions, I never even missed you. But I'll keep all this in mind in the future.