Portal Star wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:
I doubt seriously, though, that you will "prove"to agnosticism is "the only logical religious viewpoint.
I hope to. Please continue to discuss with me. I am new to philosophy, but from what I have learned I think I may be able to proove it.
Not trying to be petty, here, Portal, but if you truly intend to try to prove what you say you will -- you really would be better off spelling the word "prove" correctly. You've misspelled it several times.
I'll stick with you through thick and thin on this -- as I am one of the more vocal agnostics in this forum.
I doubt you will prove agnosticism to the "the only logical religious viewpoint" -- and I suggest you consider revising that objective.
But if you insist -- we will see.
Frank Apisa wrote:
I also disagree with the dictionary definition of agnosticism. -- or at least that part of it that reads: "One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God."
dictionary defintions are difficult, but they are the only common agreement about the use of words. If you can find a better dictionary definition, please post it. The part you quoted was somthing that dictionary.com quoted from Thomas H. Huxley.[/quote]
It appears all dictionaries use this definition. I've taken the definition to task on many occasions in threads here and in Abuzz.
I usually handle this by indicating what I mean when I use the words "agnostic" and "agnosticism" -- which at least clears the table for the duration of any discussion involved.
Frank Apisa wrote:
The use of the word "believes" in that context is unnecessary -- and illogical.
why? [/quote]
Theists "believe" such and such.
Atheists "believe" such and such.
It makes no sense to assert the superiority of agnosticism -- but to define agnosticism in terms of what one "believes."
Better to simply state: I do not know the answers to Ultimate Questions -- such as Is there a God or are there no gods -- and I do not see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to make a meaningful guess in either direction.
Frank Apisa wrote:
I KNOW I do not know if there is a God or if there are no gods. I do not KNOW if it is impossible to know whether there is a God or are not gods. And any guess I make in that regard (any belief I may have in that regard) is more closely akin to what theists and atheists do than with what agnosticism is all about.
why is it more akin to what theists and atheists do?[/quote]
See my response up above. The moment a "belief" is asserted, we have left the province of agnosticism -- and are simply guessing or believing differently from theists and atheists.