oh, I'm not arguing with you Bill. It might be nothing at all.
It's just that her anger seems, well, not typical.
Until we hear more from our poster, it's hard to say exactly what/if the exact behavior is he's concerned about.
Just going by my personal experience of having drunk for many years and having not drunk for many years, I've had the opportunity to examine for myself the way that our society as a whole behaves individually toward drinking.
My overall impression of people as a whole is that in general, believe it or not, we are a largely non-drinking society. Before you laugh at that, I'm not saying that individuals to not tie one on at a wedding or even a Friday night out, but in general, people are just as happy to not drink, or politley have one.
Since you own restaurants, maybe you'll identify with this story, and, can educate me in something.
Back in the day, I felt it was my obligation to have as many drinks as possible while having dinner out (and lunch...I rarely when out for breakfast :wink: ) My rationalization for this was that it was building up the waiters/waitresses tips. Yeah, really.
A while after I stopped drinking, I was at an oyster bar type restaurant in South Florida, one that I'd eaten and drunk at before, and viewed as a place where mass quantities of beer would be drunk, to go along with the seafood and company. Anyway, I was with a couple people, having a good time, when the waitress came by for our drink order. Timidly, I asked for an ice tea, and was surprised I didn't pick up a hint of "oh brother, there goes my tip" from the waitress...
A bit later, during a lull in the conversation, I looked around. I was absolutely AMAZED
when I realized that out of the dozen or so tables in the area, the vast majority of people where drinking sodas or tea. I'd say like 70%. At some tables, NO ONE was drinking
How could this be!?!! This was a Friday or Saturday Night!!! South Florida!!!
Anyway, my point, is there is one, is that if someone notices another persons behavior is off, as pertaining to drinking, I feel it merits a closer look.
It's honestly VERY rare that a non-drinker will see a person having an occassional tipsy as being out of line. Just thinking we need more detail.
Osso, you mentioned AA....yeah, that's a whole nother can of worms. It helped me when I was pretty much without a prayer, but IMO, the problem is many people there don't like seeing someone be self sufficient and get a life. We could go on about what I see as it's cult like aspects, which I see as an interesting conversation in itself.
Unfortunately, I'd bet that before long someone with an evangelical feeling towards AA would come along with the usual party line of gleeful predictions of impending drunkeness for anyone who doesn't adhere.
Anyway, bottom line, I need more info. I do see your points Bill. In honesty however, tons of people have never gotten piss on yourself drunk.